Wednesday, January 30, 2019



July 26, 2013
Jacmel, Haiti

I am in Haiti for the summer, volunteering at a Wellness Program.  I am living in a house and the only non-Haitian in the area.

The poverty is very tough on these people. But so is the boredom. They sit all day with very little to say to one another. During the day, they hide inside their houses to avoid the heat. But as the sun goes down, the streets come alive with lots of activity. People roam the neighborhood, looking for someone, something to break the monotony.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

First Beer

First Beer
The High School Days
Merion Mercy Academy
Merion Station, PA
May 1970

I was 14 and in 9th grade.  I didn't take street drugs and I didn't smoke cigarettes; I was afraid of both of these vices.   So I had to do something to solidify some street ratings.  And a beer came my way and I grabbed on tot he opportunity.

We had a sleepover at my all girls, Catholic high schmo.  As Sister Antoinette Maria slept on the Lazy Boy chair, from the gym balcony, six of us were in the locker room, sharing two beers that Dottie Mantini took from her dad's stash in the basement.  The beer was warm and distasteful  but that didn't matter to me.  The rest of my classmates thought we were bad ass.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Dear Ladies

A letter from my Dad while my sister, Sharon, and I were attending Penn State University.

April 5, 1976

Dear Ladies,

This is a joint letter ala Ida style. (Our grandmother always sent group letters.)

First enclosed is further evidence of our encouragement to you to continue to keep up the good work.   (As always, he sent us a check from time to time which keep us in beer.)

Everyone at home was pleased that Shannon received so many votes. Now you know how the Republicans feel when they offer the Best candidates and vote in Second Best(Sharon ran for president of the Student Government organization as a write-in candidate)

The big three (Brian mom and I) have been hitting the shore on a regular basis. Last weekend we had to Carlins, next week in the Cameaus. The weather has been very pleasant. Unfortunately, I always gain several pounds after eating goodies all day(My parents had a beach house on Long Beach Island, NJ in addition to their home in Philly.  Brian was my 6 year old brother.)

In less than a month Jimmy will graduate from college. I can’t believe that there will be a Kelly kid not attending school. I think he’s going to stay with the restaurant for the time being. (Jimmy has a year older than me.  Sharon was a year younger than me and we also had another brother In college this year.)

We are all looking forward to seeing our upstate students.

Lots of love,

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Lucky's Market

Lucky's Market
Boulder , CO
July 2018

OMG, I love this place. Yea, it's got a nice selection of quality foods.  But that isn't what makes it so damn special.  They sell draft beer that you can purchase and drink as you are roaming the aisle, picking up all kins of goods that you don't need.  And the pint only cost $2.13. We live in a great country.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

July 13, 2015- India

July 13, 2015
My Hotel Room
Varanasi, India
A damn monkey just snuck into my room and stole my soaps. I hope he eats them and gets sick.
3,496,804 people checked in here

Friday, January 25, 2019


The Bluegrass State

October 17 & 18, 2018

My 47th USA State Visit

  • There are lots and lots of distilleries around here.  I didn't go to any of them as I am not a whisky or bourbon drinker and I was driving.

  • There is plenty of available land for millions of immigrants.

  • The clouds linger around the top of the mountains and create a mist as I drive through them.

  • My intent was to leave TN at noon and go to Lincoln's house by 4 PM, spend an hour there and then drive two more hours to cut down my draining on Tuesday.  That didn't happen and I didn't get to KY until date five so I just had to find a hotel room and continue with my quest to see Lincoln's birthplace in the morning.
  • I stayed at the America's Best Value Hotel for $57. This price included very slow WIFI, no ice and a crappy breakfast.
  • I headed to Flywheel Brewery for a quick flight of beer and tacos from the food truck.
  • I was one of the first at the Abraham Lincoln's Birthplace National Park in the AM, the next morning, and the moment was underwhelming.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

A Message from Heather


I joined Facebook reluctantly.  I thought it was stupid and vain. I thought I would have nothing to post and that nothing from other people would interest me.  But I joined anyway and then two days later, I wake up to this message on my wall from Heather,  my niece:

"hello, my darling, dearest auntie!!!

And then I was hooked on the virtues of Facebook.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

My Travel Medical Kit

My Travel Medical Kit
Just a suggestion

As so many family and friends do, my sister recently sent me an article about what the well traveled person takes on any trip.  My sister said the article reminded her of me since I am well traveled. And while the article was interesting and included so many things that I pack when I travel, it was obvious that these travelers do not go to third world countries because there was nothing about what they pack in their medical kit. Actually, there was no mention of a medical kit.  So these travelers must only go to Europe where they don't have to worry about medical intervention.

Here is what I bring:

Malaria medication- i hate this medication but I think taking it is better than getting malaria.  I had a reaction to the one that gives you wild dreams.  So now I take the one that is a weekly dosage.
An antibiotic- I will usually suffer with food poisoning for three days and hope that the parasite flushes out of my system.  But if not,  then I start on an antibiotic. I prefer Cipro.
Percocet- I had surgery two years ago and of course the doctor prescribed too many pain killers to me.  I keep these just in case I am in the rain forest and fall and break my leg and have to wait three days to be rescued.
Soap- most places I travel don't supply soap so I bring several of those small soap bars with me.  I don't bring just one big one because I fear that I may forget it at one stop and then I am out of luck.
Water Purification pills- Always, always carry water pills.  You just never know when you are going to grab a bottle of water and the purity of the water has been compromised
Tylenol- 600mgs only.  I take one in the morning and one before I go to bed.
Scopace- I take this for motion sickness.  I don't use the patch; I take the pill which is a stronger dosage.
Blister bandages- I go through lots of them.
World Health Card of Immunizations- this lists all of the shots and vaccinations I have received in the last 20 years.
Throat Lozenges- this helps with dry mouth, pollution relief and, of course, a sore throat.
Vaseline- I use this for chapped lips, sores and other irritated areas.
DEET- Yes, I use DEET spray.  I bring at least two levels of concentration so that I am not poisoning myself any more than I have to. But I have seen so pretty scary bugs in my travels.

I've had to be treated a few times on my travels.  And I have had to rely on the local doctors who gave me things that I took with blind faith.  But I am here today, alive and well.  So I guess my medical kit and those doctors helped.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

July 16, 2014


Haiti Family Initituvive
Summer Wellness Program
Jacemel, Haiti
July 16, 2014

I went looking for my old lady friend from last summer. I went to her house and it is now a beer store. I asked the neighbor what happened to the 87 year old woman. "Her family came and got her. She lives in the mountains now." I felt relief and loss at the same time. I asked another neighbor for more information but she had none. I asked the 14 year old boy who knows everyone and their business. "She is dead, madame. She die."

Some responses to my posting:

  • Sorry for your pain in hearing that. I remember your heartfelt post about her during your last visit.

  • Aw.. I'd prefer to think of her being taken to the mountains with family instead of dead..

  • Sorry about your loss. I also believe she was taken to the mountains to be with family.

  • Mountains

Monday, January 21, 2019

He Says Hi to Me!!!

July 2018

I know he says HI to everyone these days.  That's all he can say. But when this kid looks right at me and says "Hi" to me, I melt. I love this kid.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Overlook

The Overlook
Thermal Water Pools
Pagosa Springs, CO
July 9th, 2018

It is my birthday and I love to soak in warm water so KT suggested we drive from Boulder to Pagosa Springs to spend a luxurious day in the springs.

There is a very expensive hotel that would have charged us $320 for the night and would have allowed us 24 hours access to the waters.  But we were too cheap to spend all the money for a hotel.

So we booked and AirBnB above the local brewery and scouted out to find a day spa to accommodate  us.

We ended up here and the day was so unsatisfactory.  I knew KT wouldn't like it as much as me because she is not an obsessive soaker.  She gets bored easily and, on the other hand,  I can nap in warm water.  But we both left this place with a hate-on for it.  None of the pools appeared clean.  Most of the pools were too hot for comfort and even though we were told the water could be adjusted, the manager was nowhere to be found.

It rained while we were there which forces us to stay inside where the environment was dark, obsessive and smelly.  KT hated it and showed after 1/2 hour.  I soaked for about two hours and spent most of my time in the cold pool.  We left feeling dirty, unsatisfied and ripped off.

Next time, I am staying at the expensive hotel.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

A Birthday Wish

A Birthday Wish
from one of my students in Nepal
July 9, 2018

I love the thoughtfulness of my students in China and Nepal.

Ranzana Stha mentioned you in a comment.
Ranzana Stha
July 9 at 3:52 AM
Hey Bridget E Kelly happy born day

Friday, January 18, 2019

Madison Brewery

Madison Brewery Company
On one of the main streets
Bennington, VT
June 2016

This is a busy place because it has great beer and great food.  I had the IPA (of course) and it was as hoppy as I like it.  I went back later that night and had another pint.  Just as I was finishing it, the glass slipped out of my hand and killed everywhere.  The waitress came over and cleaned it up immediately and the bartender showed up quickly with a complimentary refill.  That's good serve.

When I returned to Vermont two weeks later, I went back here and again had great beer and great food.  Should I go back to Vermont, I'm going back here again.

Thursday, January 17, 2019


Donald J. Trump
AKA the Dotard, Cadet Bone Spurs, the Orange Blob

I hate him and here is why:
  • he grabs women by the pussy.
  • he lies at the fucking time.
  • he won't show us his tax returns.
  • he cheats people.
  • he is a treasonous coward.
  • he has no regard for his position.
  • he is a bully.
  • he is lazy.
  • he empowers Nazis, racists and white supremacy.
  • he assumes we all are stupid and gullible.
  • he claims to be a good business person but he runs his companies in to the ground.
  • he is selfish.
  • he is immature.
  • he is not prepared for this important position and he does nothing to improve his weaknesses.
  • he doesn't care for our Vets.
  • he tweets bullshit.
  • he puts his business interest above American interests.
  • he promotes nationalism.
  • he is reckless with his words.
  • he is narcissistic.
  • he courts dictators.
  • he alienates our global friends.
  • he is reckless with his word.
  • he provokes our enemies.
  • he doesn't care about the environment
  • he mocks the disabled.
  • he is unkind to private citizens.
  • he doesn't support planned parenthood.
  • he violates our 1st amendment rights.
  • he is a newfound, bullshit christian.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


New Belgium Brewery
Golden, Colorado
July 2018

I like beer, lots of beers and I will try any beer.  But this beer? No thank you.  This is a hemp pale ale and the hemp taste is overpowering and too distasteful to me. It tasted as if I was drinking a discarded, soggy weed blunt. Some ingredients are meant to be left out of beer and this is definitely one of them. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Breckenridge Music Fest- CO

Breckenridge Music Festive
July 7, 2018
Boulder, CO
  • I had a VIP pass that afforded us all the food and beer we wants, access to the entire venue and a growler gift
  • Mango Pale Ale- yes
  • Agave Wheat- NO!!! That was a bad taste.
  • Vanilla Porter- yes
  • Vanittal Porter- nitro- yes
  • Hop IPA- yes
  • Peak IPA- yes
  • beer creamsicles- nope, too messy
  • beer popsicles- yes, delicious and refreshing. I wish I could have taken a few of these home with me.
  • There was a fondue foundation in the VIP tasting room and the chocolate was made with the Irish Stout.  I didn't try any but my friends said it was delicious.
  • We walked in the warehouse refrigerator.  It was a cheap thrill.
  • Mike Gordon from Phish was the final act and he was a crowd pleaser.  I don't know Phish's music but I liked what I heard here.
  • A man approached me and asked if I was some one's mother. Y told the guy that I was Mike Gordon's mother.  He said he "just knew that".  He could tell because we looked alike.
  • I am reaching an age where I should really bring ear plugs to concerts. My ear drums ring at times.
  • The heat was intense.
  • The sun permeated every where.  They needed more shade tarps.
  • I drank one pint of water for ever one beer I drank.  that was an effort but it paid off the next day.
  • A big ass guy fainted right in front of me.  Thought he was going have a seizure.  But he refused to go to the hospital even though an ambulance arrived on the scene.  He stayed for the rest of the concert.  I wonder how he felt on Sunday.
Prior to heading to the festival, I told my friend, Melissa, there were three rules she had to enforce today to help me cope with all of this free beer:

  1. no sitting at the bar
  2. no beer to take home
  3. a pint of water after every two pints of beer.

Monday, January 14, 2019


Perryville, MD
November 2016

I have watched this house fall in to this degree of decay over the last seven years.  It sits on someone's property. As it falls apart, I find the piece to be more and more interesting to me.  I wonder when this roof will finally collapse.

January 2018- The porch roof has collapsed

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Walking With Pinta

Walking With Pinta
West Chester, PA
June 2018

Maybe she is 90.  I'm not sure but she isn't any younger than 85.  She lives in the same apartment building as I do.  And consistently, she also volunteers as an usher at the local theatre with me.  So we are at an event and it is now dark when we leave the theatre so I offer to walk home with her. It's s short walk but I walk slowly so that she doesn't feel a need to exhaust herself by keeping up with me.

Our pace is steady and our conversation is pleasant.  But then we feel a few rain drops.  The clouds are beginning to open up and we have about another three minutes before we are home.

She looks to me and says, "Look, you are going to have to pick up your pace if you don't want us to get wet."

And with that, she moved with a quickness and purpose that stunned me and caused me to admire this spry, old woman.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

July 14, 2015

Facebook Post
July 14, 2015
Sitting at a resultant
Varanasi, India
Yesterday, as I am sitting in my caged restaurant, someone leaves the door ajar and a monkey sneaks in. I spot him and yell at him in my principal's voice. It does startle him and I think it will be enough to intimidate him so that he will leave. But before i could get up and around to table, he ran to the refrigerator, opened the door with his right hand and grabbed a loaf of bread with his left hand and he was out of there. Today, I am in a narrow alleyway, talking to a shop owner when someone/something shoves me in the back. I turn around and see a large cow meandering pass me. I am beginning to feel inferior to the animal kingdom.
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