Tuesday, September 26, 2023


Facebook Post


July 21, 2015  

Carpenters' Point, MD

"Finished for the summer."

William Bill Hughes    But the summer is not.

Bridget E Kelly-  This is how I felt today.

William Bill Hughes- Where you in the sun too long?

Bobbie Wickline-  Bridget, even your photos of dead flowers are beautiful.

Monday, September 25, 2023

In Boulder?

Facebook Post

 M LBridget E Kelly

In Boulder? Do you need anything? Let me know I live 15min. Away. Hope all is well!


  • Bridget E Kelly
    I'm at Oskar blues now. Are you joining me.
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    • M L
      I have family over for a barbecue right now. Do you have plans for tomorrow in Boulder? Oskar blues is great by the way. There are so many breweries to choose from let me know if you need the inside scoop. I live about 15 minutes away from Oscar blues you could always come to the house and have some local beer as well. Just a thought.
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  • MLL  I would love to try to get together with you if possible. My wife is a great educator just as you were, I think you would really hit it off.
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    • Bridget E Kelly
      Are you able to come now?
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    • ML    I'm heading back from the store to go back to my house to have a barbecue with my wife and her two younger sisters and their boyfriends. So it would be hard for me to leave since I am the chef tonight. You are more than welcome to stop by the house there's also a great brewery right down the street about five minutes called liquid mechanics that maybe I can meet you at later. Let me know if it will work out great if not we can try for tomorrow or another time.
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    • Bridget E Kelly
      I can't come tonight but I'll try to check in. My 72 year old friend is participating I the boulder triathlon tomorrow.
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    • ML    Bridget E Kelly so awesome! I'm a runner. Tell her good luck. Let me know.
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