Thursday, June 30, 2022

Guinness Nitro IPA


NOPE, NOPE, NOPE!!!!!!!!

I love a good Guiness. I love a good pint of Half and Half. I've been drinking this beer for years. So when I heard that Guinness just released a new IPA and I went out of my way to find it.  I grabbed a can and went home to enjoy this new find.  After two sips, I threw the whole glass out.  It was tasteless and not worth the calories.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

2014 Beer Exchange

 2014 Beer Exchange

Philadelphia, PA

Instead of a cookie exchange this holiday season, my friends had a beer exchange.  WHAT A GREAT EVENT!!!!!  We each brought a six pack to exchange and two bottle of beer to taste. There were 12 of us .  Three or four of us were beer kooks and could hardly wait to get started.  We also wanted to talk about the beers in great detail. A few liked beers but didn't have an idea of what kind of beers they liked.  Several people mentioned that they don't like a dark beer but after the evening, a few minds were changed.  Once we tried all the beers, we went around the table and picked beers of our choice.  We all left with a 6 pack variety of new beers.  Most of the beers that I picked, I had never had before so this was great fun for me.

  • Old Scratch Amber Lager- People liked the name and the label and the lightness of the taste.
  • Leinenkugel Octoberfest- surprisingly, people didn't warm up to this beer.  Some people didn't even try it.
  • Flying Fish Red Fish- this was the first beer we tried and people were surprised by its good taste.  Most people thought it had a very hoppy favor to it but I thought it wasn't hoppy enough.
  • Harpoon Pumpkin UFO- this beer was well received.  There were a few of us in the crowd who love pumpkin beer so we talked this beer up a little bit more that others.
  • Otto's Apricot Wheat- those who preferred the lagers also preferred this beer; it was too fruity for me
  • Samuel Smith Winter Welcome Ale- I liked this beer but the others were not too crazy about it. It was too heavy for some
  • Highland Gaelic Ale- this beer had a light taste to it and was well received.
  • Rolling Rock- most people didn't even try it.
  • Descutes Brewery Red Chair NWPA- I don't thing anyone liked this beer; it was sort of tasteless.
  • Neshaminy Creek- Neshamenator German Wheat Bok- this is a heavy dark beer and few people liked it.  I did. But I couldn't drink a lot of it.
  • Victory Winter Cheers- this was a good winter ale.
  • Mad Elf- the high alcohol content scared off some people from trying this beer.  The taste of this beer changes each year, ever so slightly.  It did not taste as fruity as it was last year and I prefer this new taste.
  • Hop City- Barking Squirrel- People loved the name and the label so everyone tried this beer and most people liked it. 
  • Leffe- Blonde Lager- people found this beer to be very refreshing.
  • Southern Tier- 2X Presso- I think I am the only one who went back for seconds on this beer.  I thought it was great.
  • Belle's Winter White Ale- we didn't get to taste this beer but I got to take a bottle home so I will follow up with my thoughts on this beer soon.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Beer Fact #11

 Beer Fact #11

  • You can swim in a pool of beer at the Schloss Starkenberger brewery in Tarrentz, Austria. 
No thank you.  That does not sound appealing to me at all. Who wants to swim in a pool filled with urine and beer.  OMG, you would definatly need a shower when you get out.

Monday, June 27, 2022

The Real Crucifixion

The Real Crucifixion
Walton Art Museum
Bennington, AR
April 2022

I didn't catch the artist's name.  But this painting caught me eye becasue of the potential conversary of this painting.  Yes, it is the black woman who has died for all of our sins. She has worked all of the poor, dirty jobs.  She has been the victim of so much abuse from the home, church, schools, hospitals.  She continues to be enslaved emotionally in our "free" world.


Sunday, June 26, 2022

Terre Haute Brewery

Terre Haute Brewery
Terre Haute, IN
May 2022

I had a great time here.  I was on my way home from AR and stopped here for a rest.  The beers were delicious.  I took two 4 packs home (An IPA and a stout) with me and one of the  brew masters gave me a pint of an ale to take as well.  There was some sort of local fair and there was a specific beer made for this moment: Hoosier Moma.  The brew master ran out to the fair and got me a pour so I could try this speciality.  And it was delicious.


Saturday, June 25, 2022


Facebook Post


West Chester, Pennsylvania.

March 18, 2020  

I’m waiting for people to come out to entertain me with some opera singing just as they did in Italy. So far, there’s been no one.

Susan Moore Jordan :  News Flash: Italians actually LIKE opera.

Nicole Bird:  Susan Moore Jordan They also all appear to have balconies! 😂

Bridget E Kelly:  Nicole Bird I have a balcony.

Lucinda Taber:  It is up to you to start Bridget

Susan Descano:  Just start playing some of your music and and see if anyone comes out.

Steve Shur:  We are singing in P-1 garage

Betty Diane Ulrich: Can’t you hear me from here?

Kris Bakken Mooney:  Sing, Bridget! Sing!

Joanne Murphy Pappalardo:  Sing some Irish songs! Drinking songs, or sad songs, we have a lot of both!

Maureen O'Boyle:  Sean and I moved to a condo in Dec. I was sitting on my balcony the other day and someone was playing a flute. It was lovely!

Bridget E Kelly:  Maureen O'Boyle how did you get rid of your kids so easily?

Maureen O'Boyle:  Told them to graduate college in 4 years and get a job. That’s how it works. They listened and did it!! Lucky us!!

Augusta Christensen:  The Met is streaming operas for free every night at 7:30!

Annette Delluva:  Here’s your chance to start trending!

Sharon Kelly Hake: Would you like us to call via Facetime and serenade you? We can’t sing a note though!  😂

Kathy Flatley Bandos:  So start singing.

Joseph Bosak:  Dr. Kelly could be entertained in a phone booth or at an insurance seminar. She finds comedy and love in everything she does and everyone she meets. She was the best boss I ever had but she misses her calling. What an amazing politician she would havebeen. She would have made some enemies for being honest and blunt .

Kathryn T Nicolella:  You are going to have to start.

Lynn Talbot:  That’s because I don’t live there no opera but a lot of John Denver

Stacie Clause Brustman:  Lynn Talbot be careful... I love John Denver... ❤️😂

Bridget E Kelly:  Stacie Clause Brustman so does she. And she loves peter, Paul and Mary as well. Did she ever sing any of their songs in class.

Megan Clementi:  Bridget E Kelly also check out Spain painist playing My Heart Will Go on while sitting on his balcony and a sax player from a neighboring building joining in. It's on Twitter.

Debbie Shur:  No opera in 118😬

Jamie Downs:  Get some Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young harmonies going.

Mercedes Gonzalez:  Come to my building! We had concert last sunday and balcony party this frid!

Bridget E Kelly:  Mercedes Gonzalez do you have a recording of the concert?

Mercedes Gonzalez:  Nope.  But will make it for you on friday!

Sam Stein: Set the stage. Put a sign on your balcony with the date and time you want to be entertained.

Bridget E Kelly:  Sam Stein great idea.

Vicki Murphy-Kendall:  I want to sing too! Newtown Towers

Debbie Green:  You keep on waiting! How are you doing with all the social distancing?

Bridget E Kelly:  Debbie Green, climbing the walls. And you?

Debbie Green- Working 12 hour days (mostly from home) and feeling the weight of the word (or at least the weight of my own workplace) on my shoulders. It has sucked.

Marianna Mangan Curran:  My old buddy @gustaffarwell, quarantined with his wife and children at home in Barcelona. It’s been eons since I’ve heard him sing, and well, I’d been soldiering through without a good cry until I watched this. So much beauty in this world. Grateful to those who are sharing their gifts with us ❤️🙏🏼

Chris Arllen Reeder:  I think you should lead the singing!

Bridget E Kelly:  Chris Arllen Reeder please see my answer to Joanne.

Joanne Murphy Pappalardo:  If i sang , people would come out throwing old shoes at me!

Bridget E Kelly:  Joanne Murphy Pappalardo that’s why I am not starting the singing .

Mandy Tao- Why don't you start singing first!

Bridget E Kelly: Mandy Tao because I want to be entertained. I don’t want to be the entertainment.

Mandy Tao- lol! Did you see Trover's video? when he sang in NYC?

Bridget E Kelly: Mandy Tao I loved it.

Friday, June 24, 2022

In The Middle of Nowhere

 Facebook Post

In The Middle of Nowhere

Prairie City, Oregon

July 2017

Downtown Prairie City, Oregon in the middle of the afternoon.

No photo description available.
Erica Torregrossa, Helen Pritchard and 18 others


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