Monday, February 26, 2024

Just Some Random Thoughts

 Just Some Random Thoughts

I will never understand how people can so easily throw out a perfectly good box.  There is always a need for a box to store things, stuff things, hid things.  It pains me to throw out a box.

And it pains me to throw out perfectly good plastic containers as well.  They are great for storing ear buds, needle, pills, charging cords, small tools and other things that I carry throw life but can never find when I need them.

The older I get, the more I realize that too many people came from toxic families. I thought everyone was just like my family.

I can't drink as much beers as I could when I was in my 20s.  I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad things.

I wish that I could get a smart phone that never needs updates and stays at a level where I have mastered most of its potential. My phone can do things that I am never going to use or understand.

I always have to have a trip or two planned in advance so I can have things to look forward to. If I don't have a trip in front of me, I feel stuck.

I have too many coats and jackets. I have about 10 denim jackets, two black coats, one blue cloth coat, a black puff jacket/vest, a red puff jacket/vest, an orange jacket, a suede jacket, two leather jackets, a wind jacket/vest, and two artistic jackets that belonged to my mother.  That's too much.

And I have too, too, too many shoes.  I try to wear them all.  In the summer, I wear different shoes.  But once it gets cold, I only want to wear my uggs.  I have three pairs of uggs. That's too much.

I have too, too much stuff.  It's a good thing I only have 800 sq ft of space. That has forced me to do a better job of managing my limited space.  At one time in my life, I had a 4 bedroom house with a garage and a basement and an attic.  And I also had a two bedroom house with two outdoor sheds.  At that time in my life, I had too much stuff.  

If I had reduced my consumption of goods when I was younger and saved that money, I think I would have an extra $1,000,000. I have no facts to support this statement.  I only have wild estimations. But the bottom line is I should have bought less and saved more when I was younger.

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