Saturday, April 24, 2021

Selia Wants to return to the USA

Selia Wants to Return to The USA

Beijing, China

Fall 2013

Selia wrote to me last night.  She is so hungry to return to the USA that she doesn't care what she studies.  Since I have known her, she has wanted to study to be a translator, a teacher, a diplomat, a social worker, a business woman.  Now she is contemplating environmental education.  She has probably never had a course in environmental issues.

But the cost of our university system is so expensive, that Selia, like many others, can only go to schools that offer scholarships and aid to foreigners.  A semester of textbooks here exceed what she paid in China for a year of tuition.  I don't know how foreign students do it.

Dear Bridget,

Great to hear from you. How are you doing? How is the campaign? 

I am doing ok. I decided to look for another job that would give me the English-speaking working environment. I am not quite comfortable with not speaking English at my current job now.

Still haven't heard from CSU Long Beach yet, I will send them an email if there is still nothing next week. 
Alan mentioned Florida Atlantic University, a master program of environmental education, which may possibly provides assistant ship. Oliver and Elley, Vivian are all in this program. Do you think I should apply?

When will you come to China?

Miss you



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