Monday, March 22, 2021

The Sunshine Project- Year Two

The Sunshine Project

Year Two

Sias University

Henan Provience, China

Spring 2013

During Spring semester in 2012, I taught leadership skills to college women in China.  I loved this assignment.  I had them design service projects which is something that was unfamiliar with all of them.  But we were able to get a few of them up and running.

Gloria started the Sunshine Project last year and she and her classmates are now ready to take it to the next level.  I can't believe how much the women in the WAFW have grown as leaders in just this last year.  They seem so much more sophisticated since I saw them a year ago.  Gloria just got back from a trip to Beijing where she presented her ideas to some potential financial supporters, I am proud of her and the other women on the committiee.

Sunshine Angels Project-Children are the Future
Children are lovely and innocent. They deserve a healthy and wonderful life. 
Because of diseases and disability, their life is extremely different.
However, they are just like us. They need to love and be loved.  

A project implemented by members from the World Academy for the Future of  
Women.A group of people devoted to United Nations Millennium Development 
Goal 4 —Child Health

Our mission
1 Promoting disadvantaged children’s psychological health and raising their 
awareness of possibilities in life
2 Getting those special children integrated with the society 
3 Empowering them to fully display their value and create legacies for the society

Our plan
Step One:
Focusing on handcrafts to develop their interests and skills
Weekly visit
Setting classes (e.g. drawing, painting, making bracelets, planting flowers, etc.)
Extracurricular activities (e.g. games, singing , etc.) 
Step Two:
Promoting their physical health by providing medical care
Helping them to be able to speak
Step Three:
Empowering kids to express their talents and make their own living.
Getting professions to teach them working skills
Organizing them to make simple bracelets and sell the outcomes in our market.  

Cooperating with the Special Education School, the WAFW Sunshine Angels sets 
an example for all the disadvantaged kids to express their value in Xinzheng, Henan, 
China, even the whole world, so that they can embrace the future.

Sunshine Angel team has made a great process and got more people involved.
During the process of doing the project, Sunshine Angel team also get many 
support .Lots of thanks to Brits Abroad, Brits Abroad is a global nonprofit organization, 
recently made two generous donations totally 5200 rmb (more than $800) to help both 
Sunshine Angels and Hans Village. 

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