Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Just An Idea

Just An Idea
My Tweet of the Day
May 11, 2020

"Just an idea: the USPS should make an Obama stamp. We would all buy them and save the post office while we are also pissing off Trump."

OMG, I am going viral and I am so damn excited. I posted this tweet mid afternoon and by the time I went to bed, I had 75,000 views and two days later, I had 890,000 views and counting. And the comments are coming in like crazy. I have been trying to keep up with them but that is impossible. I started to write a quick thank you to some of the stellar responses. But then that becametoo much. So I just gave them a thumbs up. But then I couldn't even do that because the responses were piling up on each other.

I spent yesterday, just watching the numbers rise. And I started viewing myself as a professional tweeter, one who could tweet and make a difference in the world.

And all of the positive responses filled me with joy. And the few negatives were annoying to read but I didn't response to them as I did not want to ruin my good karma here. I just let them slide. I think it's 1,893 positive comments to 4 bad comments. Not bad, if I say so myself.

Here are some of them:

  • Great idea, I am in for 2000.

  • Tweet of the day.

  • Genius

  • Perfect idea.

  • Ha!! Anything to piss off the #CheetinChief

  • Imagine if they sold out. Trump would lose what's left of his mind.

  • Hell Yeah!

  • I like how you think!

  • Seriously, this is a good idea!

  • Excellent idea.. they should and we would.

  • I can get behind this 100%.

  • Brilliant
  • This is chef's kiss level genius.
  • Good idea. Obama welcoming a black kid to the WH.

  • They should also issue a stamp featuring T's rump for his avid followers.

  • Make an Ivanka stamp and comrade drums will move heaven and earth to keep it open.

  • If I could love this more than once I would.

  • And mail millions of letters to theWH.

  • The portrait should be of him in the tan suit.

  • How do we get this done?

  • USPS forever stamp of Obama with the Nobel Peace Prize.

  • I'm with you 100%

  • Great idea... great idea..let's get this done.

  • A Michelle Obama "Becoming" Stamp would sell out...

  • I can't rememberthe last time I mailed something out but I would buy 50 sheets and plaster his face on a shitload of postcards and mail them to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. I'm pretty like that.

  • First class! I can already hear the explosion!

  • Or a "fuck trump" stamp.

  • Just passing this thought along.

  • Also, what about a Dr Fauci Stamp.

  • I give it an hour and it be sold out, the lines be like Nov 2008.

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