Tuesday, April 21, 2020


2004 & 2015

  • It's the drive through state on the way to Canada.

  • I've been to the Long Trail Brewery.  This was before there were many breweries open to the general public.  I could have spent the afternoon there but I had to get to New Hampshire so I had to move on after a beer or two.

  • I'd like to take a brewery tour in this state.  But I will need a designated driver.  I'd like to spend at least three days there, tasting their beers.

  • I've been here twice.  Maybe in 2004, I went there during my spring break.  Then I went there again in 2015, on my way to Quebec, Canada. 

  • I was in a bar that had a local beer named after Bernie Sanders.

  • Everyone there seems to Feel The Bern.

  • It's beautiful.  The whole state is beautiful. It looks like a Norman Rockwell painting.

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