Sunday, June 23, 2019

Feeling Vulnerable

Feeling Vulnerable    

        Jacmel Haiti
              Haiti Family Intuitive
      August 3, 2103

"I had no access to Internet this week. I feel vulnerable and isolated".

I had been posting at least every day for the last four weeks while I was in Haiti.  I was here, running a Wellness Program and posting on Facebook kept me connected with my family and friends.  And because I had been posting every day, I worried that they would worry because my daily communication just stopped.  The server in my hotel was down and there was no effort to correct this problem. But then one day, it started to work again and it was coincidentally the day the First Lady of  Haiti showed up for an overnight visit.

Some responses from friends:

K B M-  "And yet, you were never far from my thoughts, Dear Bridget! Miss you Friend!"

J G- "You mean you feel like it's 1980 something? ;) those were good times!"

D W M- " I was thinking about you and wondering what adventure you were on.."

S F- "Almost back to the stone age,eh!"

M LD- " I wondered what was going on!"

L C- "Missed your posts."

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