Thursday, February 18, 2016

LET IT SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

LET IT SNOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As an educator, I loved, loved, loved snow days.  They always seemed to come at the exact moment I needed a break from my work routine.  They were small gifts from god.  I loved them when I was working under the teachers’’ contact which mandated that the day had to be made up at the end of the year.  But I didn’t care.  I could handle school in June. It was the cold, bleak snowy February morning that presented itself to me as a challenge every year for 30 years.  So every snow day was a day of great joy.

When I left the teachers’ rank and moved into administration, these days became even more precious to me.  Since I now worked a 12-month contract, these snow days truly were grand moments of joy because it truly was an extra day off for me.

So whenever my phone rand at 530AM, I knew immediately that joyful news awaited me. Yes, it was always the superintendent and yes, I had to listen to his tales of whoa that he had been up for the last two hours and had been driving the streets with the head of the transportation department and yes, the road were treacherous and YES, WE HAVE NO DAMN SCHOOL TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  That is all I needed to hear.  Sometimes I didn’t even wait for him to say goodbye before I hung up and started the phone tree to inform faculty and staff alike that this was one of the most joyful moments of my life.

I would dial that first number and a sleepyhead would answer and I would start right in with my song:

Oh, the weather outside is frightful
But the news I have’s delightful.
We don’t have school today.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!!