Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Jim's 60th Birthday Celebration

JIM’S 60th Birthday Celebration

May 9, 2014
Philadelphia, PA

I remember when my mother turned 60. I was a little overwhelmed by the fact that my mother was now old.  Kevin, my nephew was five and he was so excited to sing Happy Birthday to her and he counted to 60: “Is she one? No. Is she two? No. Is she three? No.  The song went on and on and I thought we would never get to the end.  We would never get to 60.

Then Jim, my older brother, turned 60 and I don’t know how this happen so quickly.  Turning 60 is a whole new dimension of life. But that was last year and now I am 60 and before I know it, my younger sister will be sixty and how can I have younger siblings who will now be as ancient as my old mother?