Saturday, August 29, 2015

Inappropriate Behaviors

Notice on the Explorer Newsletter
May 2011
I am traveling on a ship with other well traveled individuals who claim to be professional photographers or at least semi-professional photographers ("Yes, I have had some of my photos published in magazine".) So many of  us take liberties on just about everything and anything that could possibly be a great photo opportunity.  Yesterday, at dinner, someone had a heart attack and a Code Blue was called over the PA system. This got everyone's attention and it appears as if it caused some people to respond immediately, regardless of how inappropriate.  As a result, we were all reprimanded:
“Code Blue alerts are to summon trained first responders to the site of an emergency.  These alerts should only be responded to by crew and medical staff.  Passengers are asked to step away from the situation and allow our team to provide the needed assistance.  Privacy in times of challenges is a privilege that we all deserve.  Please refrain from capturing these tenuous moments.  Specifically, we ask that for the privacy of the compromised individual that you do not take photographs or videos.”

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