Monday, June 29, 2015

Paradise Bay- Antarctica

December 2007

This afternoon, we are whisked off in the zodiacs to Paradise Bay, named because it is a beautiful sheltered bay for the sailors.  The bay was surrounded by glaciers and fallen icebergs.  Much of the ice is old so it is a radiant blue.  We just wander around and we are mesmerized by the beauty of the place.  We don’t speak because words cannot explain this place. We just take photos and sit back and admire our surrounding.  Never in my life would I believe that ice could leave so many people speechless.

When we left the bay, we had another stop which we could explore as we wanted.  But I was worn out and overstimulated by the beauty of this bay so I just hung around the zodiac and waited until I could get back to the ship.  I just wanted to sit down, have a cup of tea and think about the bay.  I was on sensory overload at this point.

Susan offered to take me back by myself but I protest.  I didn’t want to waste gas by being the only one in the zodiac but she insisted.  Just as we were approaching the boat, we passed a small iceberg and up popped half a dozen penguins.  They had come up to see what was invading their world.  Susan pulled over so I could take photos and these penguins just posed for me.  What a great ending to Paradise Bay.

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