Monday, October 26, 2020

Pumpkin Ale


Pumpkin Ale- The BEER pleasure of FALL

Around this time of year, people start to perk up with the first gentle, subtle breeze of autumn.  They become excited about the prospect of football games, marching bands, beautiful fall foliage and other sights and smells of autumn.  All of those things are nice but they aren’t what warm my heart to this time of year.  I love the fall for one reason and one reason only: PUMPKIN BEER.  I love pumpkin beers and I just love the day when I realize for the first time in months that pumpkin beer is on the shelves.  When I see those little pumpkin heads, I just want to do a little dance, a little pumpkin beer jig right in the aisle. I get so happy that I snatch up about five different kinds and invite guests over immediately and have a taste test, that day.  I have to discover immediate who is making the best batch this year and then I have to snatch up a 12 pack and sit back and enjoy my beer.  I just love the fall. 

Here are some of my favorite pumpkin beers:

·        Harpoon UFO Pumpkin Ale

·        Shipyard Pumpkin Ale

·        Dogfish Head Pumpkin Ale

·        Saranac Pumpkin Ale- this beer is sold in growlers

And I am looking forward to trying Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin Ale.*

Here is my 2012 selection of pumpkin ales:
·        Sam Adams(MA)  Harvest Pumpkin Ale- yup

·        Uinta Brewing Co (UT)- Punk’N- yup

·        Buffallo Bills Brewery (CA) – Pumpkin Ale- nope

·        Harpoon (MA) Pumpkin UFO- Unfiltered Offerings- its ok

·        Evolution Brewery  (MD)- Jacques All Lantern Pumkin Ale- yup; my favorite this year
·        Shock Top (MO)- Pumpkin Wheat- nope

* I tried it and loved it. Get it if you can.

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