Friday, July 26, 2019

July 26

Facebook posts

July 26
Moments in my life as remembered on Facebook


Kobe beef

Azie on Main Restaurant
$$Asian Fusion Restauran
A Very Nice Brewery- Boulder, CO

2016- The DNC- Hilary is elected to be the first female candidate


Bird brains in Baltimore, MD

Eating dinner with friends

William Bill Hughes added 24 new photos to the album: BRUNCHERS GET CRABBY — with Lucinda Taber and 8 others at Bay Crawlers Crab Shack.

2013- I am spending the summer in Haiti
Water, I think about it all the time. What are we going to do when there is no more clean water? The water situation seems a little better in Haiti than in other poverty contries I have visited. It seems as if people do not have to walk as far to get clean water. Water stations can be found at random spots around the city. Mostly women fetch the water, five gallons at a time. They carry the water buckets on thier heads and make thier way through the rutted streets with an ease that amazes me.

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, tree, plant and outdoor

2012- my Chinese student visited me for 5 weeks.

As probably the poorest tourist in America here, I am having the most wonderful time here thanks to this nice dragon lady here as you may see.


I don't quite know how to handle this year knowing you are not at SSD at all... It will feel like a battle after the best general has retired.

As probably the poorest tourist in America here, I am having the most wonderful time here thanks to this nice dragon lady here as you may see.


I don't quite know how to handle this year knowing you are not at SSD at all... It will feel like a battle after the best general has retired.

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