Friday, April 19, 2019

What's Left

What's Left
My Knowledge Base is Fading Fast
Merion Mercy Academy

There isn't much left in my pea brain of what I learned in high school.
I'm  on the right, pretending to be studying.
  • French- I didn't learn a whole lot in high school so it was easy to forget this little bit. I know RSVP.  I can repeat the first 7 slides of the first lesson in French in 7th grade.  I can say Merci.  I can ask where is the toilet but I can not understand any answer that is given to me.
  • Latin- I know that the framer, the sailor and the poet all end in 1st case feminine; all other first case nouns are masculine.  I don't remember what constitutes first case.
  • Geometry- side equals side equals side is the only rule I remember about this dreadful subject matter.  I do remember that we were introduced to theorems but I don't remember any of them.
  • Biology- I remember learning about parts of the flower and how pollination works.  I remember there is a stem but that's about it. We dissect a grasshopper and mine was hollow.  The smart kids got to dissect a baby pig.
  • Gym class- I never again got on a dolly and slid across the floor, or wacked a little yellow ball. I've never played field hockey, basketball  or softball again.
  • Algebra- it wasn't until I was in my 30's that I realized 2x+y=z means two movie tickets and one bag of popcorn is how much movie you need to go the movies.
  • English- I did one literal analysis in my freshmen year in college but that was it.  I did read the Great Gatsby again because I thought it was a fantastic book in high school  As an older women, it seems do damn shallow to me.
  • Music- I took HAM (History of Art and Music).  I remember listening to the intro to Pictures at an Exhibition and the intro the The Great March in to Kiev. But I can no longer remember which piece is which.
  • Geography- Whatever happened to Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Rwanda, Burma, the USSR and all of those other countries that have disappeared from all of the textbooks.  Fortunes, I still have my 40 year old globe so I can still look them up.
  • Government- I was taught that we had a constitution but I didn't bother to try to understand it. Nor did I fully understand the three branches of government.
  • Typing- I can still type but spend and accuracy are not strong points.

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