Monday, February 11, 2019

Praise Her

Praise Her

My friend, Kevin, is very religious.  He spends all day Sunday in church and then he is right back there all evening on Wednesday.  His faith brings him great comfort and community.  As for me, I loath any affiliation  with a structured religion.  But to each his own.

One day, our mutual friend made a comment that Kevin was very tolerate for a religious person.  Kevin didn't understand that Sue was saying and I found her sincere comment to him to be affirming to me.

"But all Christians are tolerant, aren't they?", Kevin asked.

He looked to me and I spoke my truth to him.

Somehow the conversation moved on to what I believed.

"First, my god is a woman", I tell him.

He laughs and accepts my statement without judgment or defense.

"Praise Her," he responded, "Praise Her."

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