Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Their 40th

Their 40th Anniversary
December 29, 1992

For some reason, we decided to make a big production out of my parent's 40th wedding anniversary. I don't know why we did.  But we went all out.  My parents got wind of our plan and decided to throw themselves a brunch to celebrate the occasion.  We had a special Mass for them at the church where they were married and they renewed their vows and then we had a nice party.  My parents thought that was the end of the celebration.  But we had never planned a party.

Instead, we sent them on a trip.  We flew them to England for three days.  Then they took the Chunnel to Paris where they spent another three days.  Then we put them on the Orient Express for a night and they ended up in Vienna for three days.  They loved this trip.  They loved every aspect of it.

Shortly thereafter, my mother got sick and died a few years later. They never got to celebrate a big milestone anniversary again.