Thursday, May 11, 2023

Pat Cardine

Pat Cardine
Founder of Ms Magazine

We graduated from the same high school.  She graduated in 1948 and I graduated in 1973. We were recently in our Alma Mater's auditorium.  I was about to be given the Distinguisehd Alumni Award.  She was recognized, for a brief moment, while she was seated in the audence. I was on stage awaiting flowers and a plaque.

Pat, along with Gloria Steinmen, founded Ms Magazine in 1972. This magazine gave voice to millions of women around the world.  Pat was never recognized by her high school until today.  As a matere of fact, she had been shunned by the school.  When journalists would call the school in the 1970s to verify her attendence and graduation, the school administration would deny that she ever attened this Catholic, women's high school. It was as if she never existed here.

But today, she was offered a brief moment of recognition. Today, finally, it didnt matter that she was a lesbian and an advocate for a women's right to choice an abortion. Today, she was fianlly chhered by her alma mater for her effrots to empower woemn.  She should have been on that stage.

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