Monday, July 1, 2024

July 2023

 July 2023


A Month of Road Trips

1- SA- RI

We were up bright and early and on the road by 8:30 AM.  That is too fucking early to be this active.  I sat int he back seat and attempted to sleep but I wasn't too successful.

Our trip should have taken 4 hours to get to Rhode Island but it took over 7 hours because of the holiday traffic. It was a tiring day of doing nothing.

In the evening, we went to the Apponaug Brewery (1) which sits right along a rive.  It was a beautiful night and my beers were delicious. i could have stayed there all night but we left after a sensible amount of time.  We still have a big drive ahead of us tomorrow.

2- SU- RI/ME

We stopped at a tie dye hippie store and I found two shirts to buy which I definiately do not need.

For lunch we stopped at the Sea Dog Brewery-(2)-  my hazelnut porter was delicious and I wanted to take some to go but none was available. That was a disappointment.

We arrived in Camden around 6 PM and it was dark, rainy and chilly.  I just wanted to get in to our lovely hotel room and crawl under the sheets.

3- M- Camden, Maine

The rain finally stoped by mid afternoon.

It was difficult to get Deb to go to a brewery this morning.  Apparently she has a rule that she doesn't drink until noon.  But as the town clock struck noon, we were on our way to Blaze Brewery (3). Among other beers, I had a hunka hunka porter.

We took afternoon boat cruise.  We were scheduled to go on a sunset cruise but it wasnt raining at the moment so we switched options.  And this worked out for us.

We went back to a store we discovered in the morning and I was able to drop $300 on clothing that I do not need. OMG,  I bought three more blouses.

We went to the local Sea Dog brewery for dinner. So I was able to have my hazelnut porter again.

Chris Rosario, a former Stroudsburg student, sent me an email today.  It's been about 30 years since I last heard from him:

"I pray all is well 
Ii was wondering if you were the assistant principal in stroudsburg hs in 1990-91 
If so my name is Chris Rosario I am the brother of the Gonzalez brothers who attended your school   You had tutored me in my GED and later helped me get into East Stroudsburg University 
If you are who I am looking for I was just reaching out to thank you for the help you have given me when no one else believed in me.  
Today I am a successful businessman business owner and married for 24 years with 6 children.   All of this started with your help and advice.  I really appreciate everything you done for me. It’s been in my heart to find you and reach out. I did follow u on linked in from my business Nycallstarz barbershop 

Thank you again  Chris Rosario Jr

4- TU- Maine

We had one final minute of shopping in Camden before we left town.  I dropped too much money in that little town. I have to get out of here and never come back.

We drive to Machias today.  This tiny town is about 1/2 hour away from our puffin trip tomorrow.

We stopped at a roadside trailer resturant and I had a delicious lobster roll for only $12.50.  Yesterday, I saw them for $55.

There was a small town 4th of July parade and 5:30 and then fireworks started once it got dark enough.  I always love to watch fireworks.

5-W- Maine

Today was one great day.  We saw puffins, lots of puffins. It started early in the morning and the fog was so dense and that just added to the mystery and excitement of the day.  We had to drive a half hour up the road to a small town on th water. We had to hop on a dingy that took us out to a 30 foot boat and 15 of us took off, into the fog.  We went out about 10 miles at ea to this little island, owned by Canada. Only 15 Americans are allowed on the island in the morning and then a boat of 15 Canadians come out in the afternoon.

I could hear the birds as we approached land.  We had to climb back in to a dingy and then get out on a slippery dock.  We had to hold up poles which loomed over our heads.  The terns had just laid all of their eggs and were very protective so they charged at the tallest moving objects. The poles saved us from being bird dived by the terns.

We were ushered  in to wooden blind boxes where we stayed for over an hour.  And the puffins were everywhere. They climbed on top of our blind.  They wandered around our box. And they were so close to me, I could have just reached out and grabbed one.  And I would have loved to grab one of these birds and take it home.  But the fact that this is a federal offense and subject to jail time, I restrained that urge. OMG, I loved these birds.  I was hyperventilating with excitement. 

We stopped at my roadside cafe and I got a delicious crab roll for $12.95.  If we stop here tomorrow, I am getting the scallop roll.  And I might just grab a crab or lobster roll for the road. This place was a great find.

Deb and Lisa went out to dinner and I stayed back and performed splinter surgery on my finger. I have had this splinter for weeks now and I think I got it out and after the wound heals I discover thta the splinter is still in my finger but now it is imbedded in scare tissue. But I think I finally got it tonight.

6- TH- Maine/ Rhode Island

We stopped in Portland, ME and went to the Shipyard Brewery (4).  I'm familiar with this brewery as they make a pumpkin beer that I like.  So I grabbed of flight of 4 different IPAs and none of them were of any interest to me. But the trip was not in van.  They also sold the hazelnut porter that I liked so much the other day.  So I took a growler to go.

I did 10 hours of driving today.  We made it to Rhode Island by the time it got dark. Along the way, we stopped at a lighthouse in Portland.

The hotel had a swimming pool which is always a plus for me.  But it was just a little too chilly and filled with kids who were having lots of fun and were oblivious to my need not to ne splashed.  So I didnt last long in the pool.

7- RI/PA

It was an easy ride home considering it is a Friday, summer weekend.  I got home around 4 PMand hibernated until Saturday.  I needed some alone time since I had been with people 24/7 for the last week.  I needed to rejenuarate.

My balcony plants did not have a good week in this intense heat and no water.  I think just two are going to make it.

8- SA- PA

Kevin and I spent the afternoon drinking in the lounge.  I had my growler of Hazelnut porter and he brought down some beers as well.  Joanna kept us company but she didn't like the porter so Kevin and I split the can.

We came back in the evening and drank a few more beers and I went upstairs to my apartment buzzed and full as a tick.  I can't drink the way I used to drink.

9- SU- PA

It's my birthday.  I am fucking 68 years old.

I had dinner at Sharon's house. The kids were all there and they tried to surprise me as I come in to the living room.  They are so damn cute. I had a conversation with Peter, our first.  Usually he just repeats or answers simple questions.  But today we chatted and I loved every minute of it.

Sharon gave me the family illness update: Pat has Parkinson's disease, Nancy has breast cancer, Susan has foot cancer and Jimmy continues to get pieces of his face zapped for skin cancer. This aging process is bullshit.

10- M- PA

I had a bone density test today and I have high hopes that the Prolia is working. But frankly, I dont think my bone density can get much worse.  I started at a 98%tile.

Somehow I got myself hooked up with being a patient in a mock training sceniario at WCU.  I have to play the role of a depressed adult for students in a physician's assistant program. I had my orientation today and I go in july 20.

11- PA/CO

I had a 6:30 AM flight to my annual trip to CO.

We stayed at the Rio Grande River cabins right on the river.

12- CO/UT

Moab was a great disappointment.  I was here about 20 years ago and loved the rugged quaintence of the town.  But it has gotten so commercial that it was unappealing to me.  And it has gotten so damn expensive.  Hotel rooms were $330 - $700/night.  No thanks.

It was 103F in the mid afternoon and there was no shade to be found anywhere.


Canyonland National Park

IMPRESSION: Low bone density (osteopenia).
Of note, this patient's diagnosis has changed from osteoporosis to osteopenia
which is a significant change.

13- UT

It was a stunningly beautiful day.  We started at Canyon Land NP
Needles Overlook
rock climbing
MatiLaSil National Forest

 14- F- UT/CO
pueblo dwellings 
We drove through the mesa verda national park. I thought the road was closed
Horsefly brewery-(5)-  6 5oz outs for $7.50
Mike, our bar mate

15- SA- CO
We headed back to KT's house today.  Mostly we drove today. We stopped for an occasional beautiful landscape sight and we stopped at Black Mountain National Park in Gunnison.
In the evening, the entire family showed up at Oscar Blues Brewery (6) for dinner.

16- SU- CO
Today was a brewery day. Odell (7)
Our first stop was Stody Brewery and I liked the vibe and the beers but mostly I liked their glasses.(8)
Snow Bank Brewery (9)

17-M- CO

KT and I drove to Denver and picked up Clay. Then we went to the olympic museum which was a a fun afternoon.

18- TU- CO/PA

I was up by 5:30 Am to catch my flight home. I was glad to get home as there was a little tension between KT and me. I think she is feeling stuck in her house and there is a little bit of buyer's remorse and the price of her house has gone down in the year.  She is in a tough spot.

19- W- PA

I spent the afternoon in the lounge. Pete, Joanna, and Gina stopped by and I didn't get any work done. We tackled all of the doom and gloom of our healthcare system. We got in a conversation of sex slaves and the lying media.  To say the least, our conversation was not very uplifting and I recommended that we change the subject several times.  Bt the topic never moved on to something, anything hopeful.

To lift my spirits, I went to Let's Roll and got three delicious Italian bolis. This is my new, favorite go-to food for immediate comfort.

20- TH- PA

The day started too early.  I had to role play a patient for WCU's Physians Assistants' Program.  I had to be on campus by 8:30 AM and that is too early for me.

21- F- PA

Joanna and I went to see the movie, The Sounds of Freedom. What a sad story.  There are more sex and labor slaves today than when slavery was legal in the 19th century.

22- SA- PA/NY

It's our annul christmas party which is now celebrated in July as way to avoid covid. There were many of us there but about 15 were also missing.  Briella had us all tie dye a shirt. The food was great. John did a good job with the beer assignment.

It was $365 for my fucking beautiful hotel room at the local yacht club. damn, I hate to spend that much money on a fucking hotel room.

I volunteered host next year's party. That's what I get when I get sentimental and I have been drinking.

23- SU- NY/PA

The family party continued this morning.  We all went back to Kathy's house for breakfast.  Most people left after an hour or so.  I was the last to leave and was glad to get home.  I didn't run in to too much shore traffic on the way home.

24- M- PA

I am still sleeping well. I am falling asleep and staying asleep and waking up refreshed.

My trip to Greenland is less than two months away for I have to start planning. I called the travel company and asked for a single cabin since the price fo the trip has gone down so much and they have had my money fro so damn long and I have a terrible snoring problem and they have great potential to get a complaint about me once the trip starts.  The guy didn't give me a flat out no and he said he was going o get back to me tomorrow.

I sat in the lounge and Kristen came by and offered me a random bowl of baked ziti.  She had just made it and had too much so she gave me a bowl and it was delicious.  I am going to have to encourage her to cook more often.

I spent too much time working on getting tickets to the Barbie movie on Wednesday.  I am going with my high school friends.  The movie has become a national conversation and my local theatre is showing it 10 times a day.  Tickets are $18 at the senior rate.  I cant wait to see this movie.

25- TU- PA

I didn't take my Tylenol PM before I went to bed last night and I tossed and turned until 6 AM and got up and took a pill and had trouble getting up today.  I have to surrender and just take the damn thing every day if I want to sleep well.

I went to the osterposis woman and she is also pleased with my results and she also wants me to stay on the prolia.  So I am relieved about this mutual decision.  I know the drug is dangerous.  But I am so relieved with my progress.

my travel mishap

In the evening, I sat in the lounge, drinking beers with Kevin and Nick

26- W- PA

I slept so well last night that I didn't wake up from a sound sleep until 9:30 AM.  And I am finding that once I am awake, it's too hard to fall back to sleep because I m rested.

The Great Dames book came in. Fifty two people submitted their stories.

I am still reeling in joy with my good luck about my Greenland Trip.  This is going to be a great trip.  I booked my flight and hotel room. I cant wait.

The Barbie Movie was fantastic.  It was so damn funny and light and powerful.  The crowd loved it. I went with my high school friends and we went out to dinner afterwards.  I was so hungry that I ate everything on my plate.  Usually, I take half go my meal home with m

27- TH- PA

Today was my big spot removing day.  I went to the dermatologist and she zapped 15 old lady skin tag spots from my back. Now the right side of my back looks like a burnt piece of bacon. It looks gross.

I got my hair cut after three months.  I don't see much difference.

It's so hot that I am actually sweating but I don't want to go to the pool becasue my back looks so gross.

We had Quizzo Night here and my team won!!! We were Ken and the Barbies.

Twitter: There are more than 13 million LBGQT+ in the U.S. according to the Williams Institute. Nearly half of them live in states without protections from discrimination at work, in school, in housing, public accommodations and credit. And that's wrong!

28- F- PA

Today was hot, hot hot and I finally made it to the pool and the water was delightful.  I always wait too long to go to the pool and when I finally get htere, I am annoyed at myself for waiting so damn long to get down there.  The pool has been open for two months now and it is going to close in a month.  Where have I been?

I did bring a beer with me to the pool which I drank and it was delicious and then I had to go take a little nap. So the next time, I am either going to take more beer or no beer.  It will probably be that I take more beer.

I looked at my back and it still looks gross. It looks as if the doctor took 25 spots off my back.  I didn't think I had that many spots  to take off.

29- SA- PA

It was another hot day and the pool was crowded in the early afternoon.  So I thought I would wait until late afternoon to venture down there.  But there were heavy bursts of rain so I stayed in my apartment and laid in bed and listened to podcasts.  Now that I am taking medicine to help me sleep at night, I am not listening to my podcasts when I go to bed so I am falling behind in my listening.

I've had lots of communication with Sharon.  She is excited about her book and has all sorts of social media questions.

 In the late evening, I sat on my balcony and the air felt like autumn.  It is too early for the sensation. And it was dark by 8:30 PM. That's a slippery slope.  Summer always go just too damn fast.

30- SU- PA

After a night of rain, the temperature has dropped dramatically and I could have used a sweater as I roamed through this air conditioned building.

I wanted to go to a brewery today but I didn't have anyone to play with me. So I went off to the Apple Store to see if someone could address my concerns about my phone's annoying inconsitancy in charging. The technician stuck a paper clip in the charging hole and cleaned it out and told me that should do it.

I was at the KOP Mall at this time and I found a UniGlo shop, one of my all time favorite shops.  So I stopped in and found a packable jacket to bring to Greenland.

I spoke with Jerrie and confirmed my teaching assignment for China. Apparently, a few government agents attended the Women' Symposium and we are being watched more closely now. Therefore, our program title is being changed from The World Academy for the Future of Women to Women's Harmony.  I guess the idea of having worldly views is too much for the Chinese government.

31- M- PA

It's the end of the month.  This month flew by. Now we head in to the last month of the summer and it will be over before I realize it and the days will get shorter and chillier.  But at least I have the yearly release of pumpkin ale to look forward to.

It was another gorgeous day today.  I sat out on my balcony and drank my coffee and my smoothie and eat bing cherries.  I tossed the seeds over the balcony and enjoyed the comfort of the weather.  And then I went to the pool for a lovely afternoon swim. I grabbed a cabanna and read my book and was interuppted by sharon's phone call for her now daily discussion on her newly released book and my role in promoting this endeavor.

In the evening, I ushered at Uptown.  We were showing the movie, Hook, which I have seen at least four times. Several kids came with a few parents and the parents sat on one side of the theatre, drinking wine and eating popcorn.  And the kids sat on the other side and acted up. I had to itnerven, put on my prinicpal voice and correct them. It always amazes me to see how quickly I can fall in to my old role.

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