Saturday, August 1, 2015

Break Ups

Break Ups
Philadelphia, PA

My parents had six kids in seven years and then eleven years later, they hatched another kid, Brian, the family prince. By the time Brian was 14, we were all out of the house. Several of us were already married, with kids and a mortgage and all the other joys and burdens of adulthood.

At one family gathering, Brian was really down.  He was so sad.  His girlfriend, his first girlfriend, had dumped him for his best friend. Brian was devastated and we all wanted to beat up the girlfriend and his friend. But we didn’t and we tried to offer words to console him, just something to lift his spirits and let him know that life will go on.  But no words helped this broken 14 year old heart. So we stopped trying.

But one brother-in-law thought he would give it one last try. He patted Brian on the back and told him, “The first one is the hardest and then the rest of the breakups, you get used to them. They don’t hurt as much.  Girls just break up with you.  You just have to be used to it. You’ll be alright.”

Bill’s comment resonated with the rest of us.  And while these words may not have been helpful to Brian on this day, future break-ups did not seem to be as devastating.