Sunday, May 14, 2023

Jake's Bar

 Jake's Bar

West Chester, PA

December 2022

I've wanted to go to this bar for five years.  So many people I know have been here.  They all went to this bar 30, 40, 50 years ago when they were in college but they hadn't been back.  I had lots of empty promises that they would go with me some day.  But it wasn't happening until today when Kevin and Pete said they would go.  They, too, wanted to go but didn't seem to find anyone who was interested in going them.

So we went on a Friday at noon.  The place was packed.  Lining the bar were men in workers' vest. They were carpenters and mail men and landscapers. They filled the place.  And drank their lunch. Most of them just drank and minded their own busness.

Then within the hour, they slipped out quietly and went bck to work and college kids took over the place. and they were very interested in chatting us up.

Beers were $1.  Pitchers were $6. Tee shirts werer 3 for $10. The jukebox cost a dollar.  Shuffleboard cost a buck a game. The cigarette machine spit out a pack for under $10. We drank for several hours and I don't think we spent $30. This is one great bar.

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