Sunday, October 16, 2016

Chelsea Clinton

Chelsea Clinton
On the Campaign Trail
Baltimore, MD
April 2016

/Users/BridgetKelly/Pictures/Photos Library.photoslibrary/Masters/2016/06/22/20160622-005448/IMG_3113.JPGI got invited to meet Chelsea and went, not with real enthusiasm, but rather to support her mother’s campaign.  At the time, Chelsea was 7 months pregnant and had already visited two other sites that day.  It was late in the afternoon and I am sure she would have much preferred to sneak off to a hotel for an afternoon nap or at least, to get off her feet.

Instead, she chose to suck it up and come meet with us, 30 strangers who were already committed to voting for her mother in the primary race and hopefully in the general election in November.

Chelsea is quiet, non assuming and gentle in her approach to speaking to a crowd.  She is articulate and genuine when she speaks of her mother’s accomplishments.  She speaks without notes.  She offers detailed examples of how her mother demonstrates her commitment to women and children.  She fields questions and offers explicit answers which clearly define her mother’s mission.  I am so damn impressed with her. Hillary should be, too.