Sunday, August 18, 2024

Biden's Last Executive Orders

Biden's Last Executive Orders

My Wish List

August 2024

Biden has been an outstanding president. Now that he is out of the presidential election and virtually a lame duck, I think he could issue a few more orders that would solidify his legacy. I'm not sure he could do all of these orders but if he could I would be so proud of him.

  • Legalize marijuana.
  • Open up full, unrestrictive travel to Cuba.
  • Give full citizenship to the DACA people.
  • Codify Roe v Wade.
  • Expand the Supreme Court.
  • Ban assault rifles.
  • Remove taxes on Social Security income.
  • Increase national mandates for common sense gun laws.
  • Fund a walking path from NYC to San Fransisco.
  • Close the Guantanamo Bay prison.
  • Establish a national minimal wage and raise it to $15.
  • Release the JFK assignation files.
  • Release the Jeffrey Epstein list.

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