Monday, July 15, 2024

Riding With Elephants

Riding With Elephants

Various Places

Various Time

I'm over it now.  I don't need to ride on amy more elephants in my life time.  It was fun the first time.  It was even thrilling. But now, I can't sit still long enough without cramping up and that spine bone of the elephants hurts my read end.  I wonder how much my fat ass hurts the elephants.

Thailand- 1992- we crossed a river and teh water came up to the elephant's eyeballs. I was afraid we were going to fall off and drown.

Zimbabwe- 2003- There were ten elephants, twenty tourists and three guides who carried rifles. And we were told that the rifles were not going to be used to protect us from lions. Rather, only the elephants would be protected from such an attack as they were shackled by the legs so that would keep the same pace. We were told that we entered the area at our own risk.

Sri Lanka- 2004- I had an elephant right all by myself.  There was a wooden bench tied to the torso of the elephant and it seemed to tilt too far to the right when I got on and I wasnt able to adjust the seat and it was uncomfortable and I was afarid that I was going to fall off. So the moment was not the least bit relaxing

Nepal?- 2017- I cant remeber if I actually rode on an elephant here or not.  But I went to Chitwan National Park and I had a lot of interaction with elephants that were work animals. So maybe I did. 

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