Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Switzerland and Lichetstein

Switzerland and Lichtenstein

March 6- 11, 2024

This was a consolation trip becasue my november china trip was cancelled. So I booked this quick trip to go see the Alps.  I had never been to Switzerland before.

I stayed in Zurich. Because my general geography knowledge is not what it should be, I thpught Zurich was the capital and would offer me lots of options.  But apparently, Bern is the capital.  Regardless, this city is a gem.

Of course, I visited a brewery, BierwerkZuri.  My beers were delicious.

The train system intrigued me as it was so effeicnet, so clean, so reasonable, so dependable.  I was jealous.  I wish our systen in the USA could be at least 1/2 as good as this system.

I took a long train ride to Interlaken to visit this sweet village.  Unfrounaleyt, the train ride made me nauseas and I didnt stay long because I thought I was going to throw up at some point. Fortunealy, I didnt but I did dry heave a little and that was embarrassing.

The Swiss Alps were stunning.

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