Monday, May 27, 2024

His Songs

His Songs
My Brother's List of His Top 100 Songs
Winter 2024

I had a road trip to visit my brother.  He lives about six hours south of me. I go to see him about twice a year and then he comes up north about once a year.

I asked him to put this list together because I thought we were slipping away in similar interests.  Our differences are becoming a big distraction.  I thought we should both compile our lists and see where we had lots of similarities. He's 15 years younger than me.  But I have kept more current in music than he had.  So I anticipated that we would have some very similar music on our list.

We had one common song: Wicked games by Chris Iaask. I really thought we wold have more in common.  We did have several of the same artists: Prince, Cyndi Lauper, Johnny Cash, Rolling Stones. But mostly, we had artists that we both just didn't know.  So we spent the weekend listening to what interest the other.  I really enjoyed this interact.



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