Monday, October 2, 2023

Student Comment #47



Some times there are certain people who our lives and see something in us that nobody else can see, and push us to be our best. Dr. Kelly didn't do anything so trivial for me. I can honestly say, without any doubt, that a large part of what and who I am today is solely to her credit. I wouldn't have graduated high school for one thing, and I certainly couldn't have joined the Navy without her help. So much of what i've done over the years I've though to myself "I wonder if she knows how i've turned out. I wonder if she knows the impact she made". Well, as of tonight, I think she may have some idea.
All reactions:
You, Jessica Pierson Tressler, Dennis Butsch and 12 others


  • Charlotte Ostrander
    Dr. Kelly was really there for me all Junior year and kept me in line in jthe most tactful way possible. I always will love her. I hope to let her know I turned out someday too.
  • James Wohlberg
    I think she knows, and is very proud of you.
  • Boon Doc
    As of a few years ago...she was the principal of a high school near where I live now. Always wanted to stop in and say hello. She actually came out to meet my mother and I after my last school board meeting and gave me a hug to wish me well.  She was still always there for us if we needed her...
  • Jessica Pierson Tressler
    She is doing great and she is on Facebook. I'm sure she would love hearing from you. 
  • SK
    I know she's on facebook. What surprised me is that SHE found ME last night, hence the post.
  • Bridget E Kelly
    Yup. I went looking for sam and I found him. How great to reconnect with The people of stroud shrug.
  • hii DR. Kelly, its Charlotte Sims. Trouble maker. lol or  atleast troublefinder.
  • Bridget E Kelly
    Charlotte, it's great to hear from you. Post more photos of you.

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