Sunday, October 1, 2023

October 2022

 October 2022



1- SA- PA

It was raining last night when I got home from Ireland and it is still raining today. This shitty weather will make it easier to stay in bed all day.

I took a covid test this morning and I am positive. Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn. I really thought i was going to dodge this bullet.

Kathy turns 70 today.  How could I have a sister who is so old.

2- SU- PA

It's pouring down rain and the day is dark and dreary and it's just how I feel.

I went to Urgent Care and got drugs and started on them right away and now I feel worse than before.

As I left the medical cneter, I noticed that I had a flat tire, the same tire I had fixed almost two weeks ago.  Fuck. That was a pain in the ass.

I finished my book, Say Nothing. I have to rethink everything I thought about the IRA in the 1970s.  I loved the line in the book, "what warrants murder?"

3- M-PA

It's rainy again.  My plants on my balcony are drowning in thier pots.

I am feeling better but, damn, I have no energy. I spent the day in bed.

Twitter: Replying to
@lavern_spicer- I think you need to read the constitution. The process to elect a president is clearly outlined there. Rally attendance is never a measurement of election success.

4- TU- PA

I seem to have had a bit of a set back.  I feel absolelty lousy today and I have even less energy than yesterday.  But I am down 7 pounds so all is not lost.

5- W- PA

It isn't raining but everything is still damp and there isn't a hint of sunshine today and I am despeareate for a moment to sit on my balcony and escape this virus infected apartment.

I had a teleconference with a doctor today and she informed me that I am on the wrong dose of paxlovid and that is why the medicine isn't working and I am getting worse with my symptoms.  I told her that I was worried about slipping in to pneumonia as I have been coughing and hacking for a full week now.  She agreed and so tomorrow, I have an in-person visit and will probably get a chest Xray to see how my lungs looks.

Around 6 tonight, I got a text from Tricia.  She was right outside my apartment and had two bags of provisions. She really takes good care of me.

6- TH- PA

I drove to Exton for a Dr appointment.  She wanted to check to see if I had pneumonia which I do not and that is a relief.  On the way home, I stopped at Walmart and bought a shitload of beverages.  I have to drink at least 64 ozs of fluid a day.  And if I don't, the dr wants me to go to the emergency room for a hydration drip. I am not going to let this happen to me.

7- F- PA

I got up a bit early to call AAA about my damn leaking tire.  I can bring it there tomorrow at 2 PM while they work on fixing the leak.  I promised them that I would sit outside as they worked on my car.

It is nice enough today to sit outside and so I did. Gina was in the courtyard and I was on the balcony so we yelled a conversation to each other. She is going to bring me tomato soup and that sounds delicious right about now.  It's funny, I am hungry but I have no appetite. I've been eating about one english muffin a day this week and that seems to be enough.  

I am down 8 pounds today. If only I could keep it off once I start eating again.

Some time around 4 PM, a new force entered my body and I began to feel well again. My fatigue subsided.  I was hungry and wanted to eat. I am turning the corner with this damn covid.

8- SA- PA

My new found energy level was short lived and I spent the afternoon in a deep sleep.  It may be because I changed up my antihistamine. But I laid down around 2:30 and all of the sudden it was 8 PM.  And I had trouble consuming my fluids today.

9-SU- PA

It's been awhile but I had one of my reoccurring school dreams. This was was different in that I am finally acknowledged by everyone as being there. I wasnt hiding in my old job.

I tested negative for covid but I still have symptoms. And I cant believe that I am not contagious as I am hacking like I have TB. I'm going to attempt to move back in to the world tomorrow.

Chris would be 65 today.  I wonder if he would still have that full head of hair.

I slept all day.  I wonder how many hours I have slept this week.  I am like an old dog.  I sleep 20 hours and wander around my apartment for four hours a day.  I have got to turn this around.

10- M- PA

I'm finished with covid today.  I still have symptoms but I don't feel as bad as I have felt for the last ten days.  I made an effort to get back in the program of life.  But I feel short on that goal today.  I was up, showered, doing laundry, cleaning up the apartment a bit, sitting on the balcony and getting ready to head to the lounge.  But then I slipped in to bed and spent the next two/three hours in deep sleep and dreams.

I did finally go to the lounge in the early evening.  I had a nagging desire to walk in to town and buy some food; a meal or a dessert or something.  But I just couldn't muster up the energy. So, instead, I sat with Steve and Phyliss for a little bit.

I had another reoccuring school dream. What is my unfinished business with my job?

11- TU- PA

It's a gorgeous day.  I feel pretty good.  But I have no energy.  I hung out on the balcony for a short period of time. But then I didn't know what to do with my time so I slipped in to bed and stayed there until the early evening.

I am down 9 pounds.  So now, I feel justified in roaming the hallways and taking bits of candy that my neighbors have left out for halloween.

I had yet another reoccuring school dream.  These last couple deams have changed content a bit.  I wonder whatcaused these dreams.  What is the work isue that I need to reslove after all of these years

12- W- PA

I made an effort to get my tired fixed.  I went to a serivce station just around the block from my apartment.  They guy told me that he couldnt patch the leak that AAA attempted to fix 3 weeks ago.  He could give me a new tire.  I left pissed off and told him that I would have to think about it.  Later in the evening, I decided that i've lost confidene in this tire and I should just get a new one.

Then I went off to the grocery store and bought food.  I didn't buy a lot becaue I still do not have much of an appitiet.  But this was the first time that I thought food appeared to be much more expensive to me.  I spent $43 for two bags of groceries.

I'm listening to David Sedaris' book, Happy Go Lucky.  I think this is at least the 3rd book of his that I've read since January. This book reveals lots of anger to his old father who recntly died at 98 years old. His level of anger toowrds his father is understood but I wish I didnt know about it. It's none of my business.

13- TH- PA

It's a dreay day.  I still have symptoms but I think I can functon today.

The January 6 hearings have reconvened today and as usual, today's hearing was riveting.  If they do not press charges against Trump, it will be shameful and wrong.  And we will run the risk of this happening again and again.

In the midst of the hearing, which I was watching in the lounge, Steve dropped by with one of his friends who he wanted me to meet.  I had no interest as I was glued to the hearings. He called over to me an demanded, "Young lady get over here and join us."  I put my earphones on and ignored him. I wonder if he was offended or embarrassed. I was offended.

My Twitter account has been nonfunctioning for the last few days.  And it is driving me crazy because it must be on fire with all of the feedback from today's hearing.

14- F- PA

I met two Bday goals- the Mexican grocery store and Jersey Mikes.  I think I have been in the Mexican store before but I dont have any memory of it and I liked what I saw and plan to go back there in the future.  I didnt buy anything today becasue I didnt have a back pack to carry amything home.  

And then I stopped in to Jersey Mike's for the first time.  I always thought it was a convenience store but it is nothing more than a Subway store.  I ordered a medicore sub and took it home with me.  I don't think I will go there again.

I dropped my car off at a tire store to get a new tire.  I have lost confience in the tire with a leak.  So I am just buying a brand, new tire. I walked home from tire store and was exhausted

When I got home, I spent the rest of the afternoon, listening to an audiobook on RBG, Nortoius RBG by Irin Carmon. So much has been written about this woman but authors still find new material on her.

I ushered at Uptown.  The Urban Gorillas are a 13 peice band with a fulll volume of sound anf funk.  They were a crowd pleaser even though the house was only  half full.  I would love to hear this group at an outdoor concert on a sunny afternoon.  It would be fun to dance to this group with lots of people.

15- SA- PA

It was a gorgeous day and I went to Sally's house.  Stacey and Erin came by and a friend, Debbie, also stopped in.  Sally's brother Bob and SIL, Jane, were there and it was lovely to be surrounded by people who all wanted to help Sally.

I brought lunch.  I just went to WAWA and ordered too many sandwiches.  We watched the Phillies win a championship game.  Now we will hear nothing but Phillie talk for the next two weeks.  Most of us were drinking beer.  It was my first beer in two weeks.  And then Erin brought out a bottle of whiskey and shots were being poured.  So I went home.

16- SU- PA

I did nothing today which was my full intention. It was a sunny, beautiful day.  But I stayed in bed and listened to a podcast, Tiffany Dover is Dead. It is stunning to me that an ordinary person can become a victim of social media and conspiracy theories.  Tiffany receivd one of the first COVID vaccines on live TV.  A few minutes later, she fainted and the "Truthers" started a worldwide conspiracy that she died from the vaccine.  They ahve been stalking her for the last two years and tormenting her family.  And there is nothing that she can do about it.

Just this week, Alex  Jones, of InfoWars, was found guilty of defamation and emotinal damages from teh Sandy Hook families.  He has to pay them about one billion dollars. He claims none of the children in this mass murder were murdered and that the family members are agents of the government. These family members have been tormented for the last 10 years by Jones' misguided followers. Fuck him. He will now be broke for the rest of his miserable life.

The Germans have arrived.  They will be here for two weeks and it is always fun to see them. I am hoping that we can get together for dinner on Tuesday.

17- M- PA

I hung in the lounge in the PM and Connie and Sharon stopped by to chat with me. They told me that it was good to see me in my regualr chair again.

In the evening, I went to Rosina's house for dinner.  Kathi Lewis and Vanessa Thompson joined us.  We ordered out Thai food and Rosina told them to make it medium heat.  OMG, I couldnt eat any of my food.

It continues to amaze me that my high school friends have worked so hard to rekindle our friendships after all of these years.

Twitter: Replying to
@RyannMcEnany: We don't need rallies. We don't buy tee shirts and hats. We don't want bumper stickers. We vote. We are not a cult which is a very hard concept for you cult followers to understand. #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica

18- TU- PA

I struggled through the night with a nagging sore throat and a cough. It seemed like I was up all night. So I took a Covid test and it was negative again. It's hard to believe that I can be coughing away and I am not contagious.

I looked at my portfolio.  To date, I have donated about $4000 for micro loans to women in 3rd world countries. These funds have reinvested to over $20,000+ in loans.  I have particiapted in 875 loans to women around the world.  I feel great satisfaction in contributing to this site. 

For the first time in my life, I am not biting my nails and I don't know why I stopped after 67 years. I could probably use a manicure. I am finding my new nails to be creepy.

I met up with the Germans and we had dinner at the Ironhill in Media.  It was good to see Kirsten again.  Loiusa joined her this year. It's always good to see the Germans.

Twitter: #VoteBlueToProtectWomen

19- W- PA

I uploaded the audiobook, Wild by Cherly Strayed. I read this book in 2015 and loved it.  It was riveting.  So I spent 5 hours listening to it today and I am not nearly as interested in it.  But I've invested 5 hours so I going to finish it.

In the evening, Hocus Pocus II was showen in the courtyard.  There was pizza and beers and popcorn.  It was cold and the fire pit was blazing. It was fun. Not many people showed up because the phillies game was playing.  Kevin was in the lounge making Manhattans for anyone who wanted one.  I was not one of those people.

20- TH- PA

I found myself in bed most of the day, listening to my book. The more I listen, the less I undersand what I liked about this book. I dont particularly like the main character. And yet, when I read it in 2015, I was in Fiji, sitting by the pool and reading all day.  When I finished the book, I gave my copy to a student from Villanova who just arrived in the country to study there for a semester.  I thought the book would inspire her as she started this semester abroad.

I got a text from Ruth, telling me that Sue's dog, Harry, just died of a seizure.  Poor Sue.

The new Prime Minister in the UK has resigned after 45 days in office.. What a mess!

Gina and I sat in the lounge for a few hours and just chatted.  That's the beauty of this place. And then Sharon came down with a pumpkin/squash soup and several of us sat at the bar and ate soup for dinner.

21- F- PA

The Germans called me around 5 PM. They had nothing to do so I said I would run down to Springfield and picked them up and brought them to West Chester for dinner.

When I got to Sue's house, Sydney, her other dog was really looking to interact with me.  So I rubbed her head and told her that I was sorry that she lost her buddy, Harry.  And every time I mentioned his name, she seemed to cry as if she is in mourning.  I couldnt beleive it.

The Germans wanted to come see my apartment.  So we drove back to West Chester and went to Sierra Tavern for dinner.  Of course, the Phillies game was on every TV.  I had to explain the rules of the game to them. And that was an effort on my part.

22- SA- PA

Sally texted me in the morning.  They were going to Stolen Sun Brewery in the afternoon.  Did I want to join themjoin  But of course I didjoin  And so I didjoin  But just as I got out there, we were told that we were getting kicked out because John Fettermen, a US Senate Candidate, was shaving some sort of fundraiser here and there wasn't enoughservice help to accommodate him and usaccommodate  And so we leftaccommodate  We found our way to the Stickman Brewery  I have been here before.  I had a vanilla IPA that was delicious and a Raspberry Sour that was not very appealing to me.  I didn't finish it.

We got to the brewery while it was still sunny and bright.  But then, all of the sudden, it was dark and cold and it was only 6PM.  Damn.  I miss the summer already.

I came home and watched the movie, Game Change, the story of Sarah Palin's wrechage of John McCain's Presidential campaign efforts.  I had watched the movie before.  But I had missed how many comments McCain made about her new role in the Republican party.  And he was right.  She brought in the Tea Party and the Evangelical Christians and the demise of the GOP.

23- SU- PA

Today was Lauren's luncheon to celebrate her December wedding.  She is having a very small wedding and felt a little funny about having a shower.  So we had a brunch celebration at the White Dog Cafe in Haverford.  Ten of us were there and it was nice.  Lauren and Mike were touched.  I gave speech.  Then Lauren gave a speech and towards the end, Tricia chimed in with a few words. I think only three of us had alcoholic drinks.  The others had lattes and cappuccinos and these drinks were the big expense of the day.

Lauren showed everyone photos of her wedding dress.  Mike showed everyone that he is already wearing his wedding ring. Joanne had little favors: a jar of honey with a label that said "Lauren and Mike were meant to BEE". I think Lauren was really pleased with the moment.

My throat is still killing me. It's getting worse.

As I am typing today, I am really noticing my new nails.  They are getting in the way. I may need a manicure (for the first time in my life).

So the Phillies won the championship game today, best out of 7.  I thought they won the world series. But it turns out that this win only qualified them to compete in the World Series.  Now, I have to listen to and feign enthusiasm for the next round of games.

24- M- PA

When I went to bed, I stepped up my assault on my sore throat.  I took an Ibuprofen and two antihistamines and a table spoon of my New Zealand honey which is supposed to soothe sore throats.  I also sucked on lognegers throughout the night.

I still felt lousy again this morning.  So I loaded up on these drugs again and now I am at the point where I think I am going to live.

I'll take another round of drugs again tonight before I go to bed.

I am so tired of covid.

25- TU

I was up at 630 AM to get to the doctor's office for an ultra sound on my liver. My doctor thinks I might have scar tissue on my damn liver.  

On the way home I stopped at Rising Star, a new brunch place and one new addition to my Bday goal.  I liked the place.  It's minimalist, clean, reasonably priced and good service.

I also got a haircut which is about two months overdue.

My damn sore throat is killing me. 

The Fettermen/Oz debate for the USA Senate position was tonight.  Fetterman, my candidate of choice, sounded just awful.  He had a stroke in May and his communication skills are just terrible at the moment. There is hope that he will improve with time.  But he was a hard sell tonight.

26- W

For the first time in my life, I had a manicure (Bday goal).  I have been a nail biter for 67 years and for some reason, I just stopped biting my nails.  And now, my nails are long enough that they need some maintenance.  So I got them painted blood red.

In the eveing, I went to the annual halloween parade (bday goal) that has been on hiatus for the last two years.  Now I want to get a group together to march in the parade next year.

Debbie had a small but loud party in her apartment.  There wasa retired boxer in the group and at one point, he was sparring with Debbie and Kristen.

It was two years ago today that a doctor told me that I may have cancer.

27- TH

I drove to Hares Hill Brewery for a delicious flight of beers.

Somebody advertised on social media that she was giving away 100 free bottles of paint .  I decided to get them for Clay since he likes to paint.  But when I collectd the paints and then asked him, he told me that he wasnt interested.  Now what am I going to do with all this damn paint.

I have no sore throat today.  It feels great to swallow without any pain.

28- F- PA/VA

I had full intentions of getting up by 10 AM, getting ready and leaving by 11 AM to begin my 5 hours+ drive to Farmsville, VA.  I was on my way to see Clay run in his college championship race.  Of course, I didnt leave until 1 PM and by this time, the trip was now going to take 6 hours+ because of Friday traffic through the Washington, DC area.  But actually, the drive took 7 hours and I was exhausted by the time I parked my car and found my shitty room in my Super 8 hotel.  I had thought of finding a brewery nearby but it was so dark outside and I was so tired.  I just stayed in and went to bed early.

29- SA- VA/PA

The meet started at 1130Am.  I met the Kellys at 10:30 and we set up chairs and just hung out and chatted each other up until the race started.

Clay came in 19th place and first member of his team. His teammates were very gracious about his results. He was the hero of the men's team today.

After the meet, Brian, Cindy, Jameson, Mary and Jim and I went to lunch.  I found a little pub that was perfect for all of us.  The place had a great beer list and I found a whiskey barrel stout for Brian that was 18% alcohol. Brian was hesitaent to try it but I pushed him to do it.  I wanted a taste of this beer.

By the time I got home, my throat was sore again and my ear was throbbing. I am so sick of this damn sore throat.

30- SU- PA

Tonight was our farewell dinner with the Germans. We went to the Clam Tavern and had a great meal.  Sue and I ate most of the calamari. Some crab meat fries made it tot he table and they were a meal unto itself.  There were some crab balls but I didnt have any of them.  Then I had a seafood platter of fish fillet, scallops, shrimps, and imperial crab.  My meal was great.

For the first time in my life, someone said to me, "Your nails look so nice."

31- M- PA

I had another reoccuring school dream.  It was a little less stressful than the multiple dreams I've had for the last ten years. I wonder if I will ever stop having these dreams.

Effective immediately, I am giving up sugar.  I have been a pig these last two weeks as my neighbors have left Halloween candy on their shelves.  At the moment, 7 people on my floor are giving out little, bite size candies and I am grabbing one or two of them as I walk by thier place.

I got on the scale and saw that I have only gained back two of the 9 pounds I lost during covid.   And when I consider how much candy I've been consuming, that's not a bad regain.  So now I have to step up and stop eating all this sugar.

I went to the Beer Mill to get some of that barrell beer that Brian and I tried on Saturday.  The 4 (12 ozs) pack cost $40.  Holy Shit.  I bought it and will bring it to the family wedding on November 11.  And I will never buy this beer again. It's an imperial stout that has been aged in a whiskey barrell and it has an 18% alcohol level.

I called Jaye to tell her that I am finally well enough to come visit her. But now Jaye has covid.  She sounds awful. And she can't have chemo for at least another 11 days. Maybe I will get to see her next week.

I voted today. I went down to the county building and cast my early vote. Voting always makes me nervous.

On the way home, I stopped at the Atexquinta Resturant (bday goal) for a delicious Mexican quesadilla.  The Mexican janitors were eating some delicious food earlier in the day and when I asked them where they go their food, they told me about this restaurant.  So I went there and I like it.

When I got back home, I had to meet up with Steve to help him book his airline tickets to Mexico. He has no confidence in his ability to make a decision. I can just see him melt away with stress.  And then he surrenders and just wants me to make every decision fo him.

Dom was watching the 76ers play basketball.  I told him that I was going to run upstairs and get something to eat.  I also told him that there was plenty of candy aIound the building.  He asked me to get him some. But by the time I got back to the lounge, he was gone and now I have about 20 pieces of candy.  Damn.

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