Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Road trip 2023 #13

Road Trip 2023 #13

Avalon, NJ

Sept 11-13, 2023

  • Helen, Sally and I met at Kathy's house in Avalon, NJ.
  • It was sometime this week, fifty years ago that we met Sally and became friends with her.  Kathy, Helen and I were high school friends.  But we all ended up at Brandywine College in 1973 and have been friends since then.
  • We've gotten together a few times and mostly we just hang and talk.
  • There is a small pool that overlooks the bay and I like ti hang there rather than go all the way to the beach which is several streets away.
  • I brought a 12 pack of Dogfish beer and there was a low carb IPA in the pack that was actually good. This new discovery was lots of discussion between Sally and me.
  • I convinced the group to watch the movie, Wild Nights With Emily, which I have seen twice and I thought was so funny.  But it was not well received by the group.
  • Much of our conversation centered around the escaped convict who spent two weeks at large in my area but then moved closer to Sally's home.
  • Early Wednesday morning, he was captured and we all breathed a sigh of relief.
  • On Tuesday night, there was a wild thunder and lightening storm. I had such an urge to go outside and watch it lit up the skies over the bay.  But I couldn't wake up enough to muster up that much energy.
  • We left mid afternoon on Wednesday and it was cloudy and overcast, a mediocre day for the pool.  By the time we got back to Philly, the sun was out and it would have been a perfect pool afternoon.

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