Saturday, January 7, 2023

Book 2022

Books of 2022

One Native Life by Richard Wagamese

Ghost Forest by Pik-Sheun Fung-  "I love you, I said.  He looked back at me, eyes blank. 'We are Chinese it is not important to express our feelings'."

The Best of Me by David Sedaris- "Seek approval from the one person you want it from and you are guaranteed not to get it".

The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion- this was a powerful and honest story of her first year as a widow.

Taste Like War by Grace Cho

Embers by Richard Wagamese- "True genius is knowing when to say nothing. To allow the experience, the moment itself to carry the message to say what needs to be said".

Blue Highways- I have read this at least 5 times and I never grow tired of his stories.

Areas of my Expertise- this was a funny book and I am going to listen to it again. Update: I did listen to it again. 

Charoutte-  this was a very strange book.- It's time for me to be in the kitchen with the other wife.  Now and then these women try to engage me in conversation.  But these other wives speak in concrete word bricks where I prefer to speak in metaphors.  That way no logic can trap me and no rule can bind me and no feet can limit or decide for me what's possible."

Taking The Arrow Out of the Heart- Alice Walker

The Good Sister by Sally Hepworth-  "People without sisters always thinks its all sunshine and lollipops or blood and guts. But actually it's always both. Good and bad. The bad is as essential to the relations as the good.  Maybe the bad is even more important because that's what ties you together.'

The Body by Bill Bryson- "The sad truth is obesity is a bigger problem here than hunger is." 

The Reason I Jump by Naomi Higashida- a 13 year old Japanese boy answers the typical 50 questions as of him about his autism.

The Lincoln Highway- Amor Towels- He is quite a storyteller but his stories are outrageous and unbelievable.

When Breathe Becomes Air By Paul Kalanithi- "I began to realize that coming face to face with my own morality, in a sense, had changed nothing and everything".

Start Without Me by Gary Jeneth- "In the 70s, kids didn't have feeling".

A Carnival of Snackery- David Sedaris

Nowhere for Very Long- Brianne Madix- "in just ten minutes, the whole world was different."

Hidden Vallet Road- Robert Kohler- this family had 12 children and 6 of them suffered from schizophrenia

Taste-Stanley Tucci

Say Nothing-  Patrick Radden Keefe- "What warrants murder?"

Happy Go Lucky.- David Sedaris

Norotoius RBG -  Irin Carmon

Wild- Cheryl Strayed- I read this book in 2017 and loved it.  This time around, I didn't like it so much.

Down and Out in Paradise- Charles Leerhsen- this was an awful bool on Anthony Bourdaine. it was more gossip than anything else.

Calypso- David Sedaris- I read this book last year and I decided to read it again since I've read so much by this author.  I wanted to go back to his discussion on his sister's death. 

Profile of Ignorance- Andy Borowitz- "Who is the most ignorant person the USA is willing to elect? What brought our county to such a stupid state. Who turned ignorance from a liability to  a virtue."

Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmereer. "How in the modern world can we find our way to understand the earth as a gift again. To make our way with the earth sacred again".

Hello Molly by Molly Shannon. She's a bit of a nerd.

Six Amendments: How and Why We Should Change the Constitution- Justice John Stevens- A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms while serving in the Militia, shall not be infringed.

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