Friday, March 18, 2022

Sandhill Cranes

Sandhill Cranes
Monte Visa Wildlife Refuge
Monte Visat, CO
Febraurt 25- March 1, 2022

I have been in search of this migration trail for ten+ years now.  I traveld to Nebraska in 2009 to see them but I got there too late. They were gone. I flew down to Mississippi to see them but never found them. So now, I flew to Colorado to see them.  I went out a bit early to see them in an attempt to avoid the onslaught of birders coming to the area.  And when I first arrived, I had a sick feeling that I might be just a week too early.  But the birds did not disappoint.  They were everywhere and it was so much fin to find them, at last.  Now I shall focus my bird obsession on the Whooping Cranes.


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