Wednesday, September 9, 2020

A Shit Show

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A Shit Show
A Conversation with My Niece
The First Day of School
August 31, 2020
Philadelphia, PA

Today was the first day back to virtual school for my niece's 3 sons. I had committed to pick them up after school and take them a pool. I checked in with my niece, mid-morning, to see if that was still our plan. "I don't know", she told me, "it's a real shit show around here today." We rescheduled for Friday.
To all the parents, teachers and mostly to the students, enjoy the shit show. May this challenging year bring you tenacity, patience, self-direction, an appreciation for each other, and the opportunity to embrace and overcome adversity. This, too, shall pass. We just don't know when. Welcome to school year 20/21.

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