Quarantine Day #38
The Corvid 19 Virus
West Chester, PA
April 22, 2020
I looked at the jeans I bought yesterday and was just so damned determined that I could get them zipped even though I tried twice yesterday and they were too small. So I sucked in my gut and tugged at that zipper and got them on my fat assed body. I was so damn happy. Now, I don't know how successful I will be when I have to go to the bathroom later in the day and get them zipped up again. I hope the zipper doesn't pop open.
I called Penn Medicine about a damn health insurance bill. It looks as if I am being charged twice for my procedure in March 17. I got someone on the phone and she told me that I paid $120 for the procedure and now I owe the doctor another $120 to read the report. That pissed me off and I told her and she asked, "Would you like to pay that bill today." And that pissed me off so I wouldn't pay it at that moment. She called back 5 minutes later and she is going to appeal this bill for me. She, too, thinks it might be an overcharge. That made my day. And I told her so. And that made her day.
KT called me and she wants to put our trip on hold. She just found out that the Covid virus causes kidney damage and since she only has one kidney, she doesn't want to take any chances. Damn, damn, damn. I needed that trip so I could have something to look forward to. After we hung up, I looked at flights to North Dakota but I didn't book anything. Maybe I should just wait until things are a bit more stable.
I am restless and antsy today. I feel stuck and I don't have anywhere to roam. I don't want to go to a store just for the sake of getting out. I want to get back to normal.
I got another update on Kathi Lewis. She is off the ventilator. That is a miracle. Leslie Grims contacted me again to talk about Kathi. I told her that I thought we were going to lose Kathi which would have been a real loose. Kathi has not yet had day where she could just do something for her. She has worked all these years and then she took care of her old mother all these years. She deserves a moment to herself.
I sat in the living room this afternoon for a few hours. That was unusual as I have been spending most of my time in the bedroom and specifically in my big, old blue corduroy chair. So a change of scenery was nice. It was sunny but too damn cold and windy to hang on the balcony.
In the evening, I wrote a project proposal for WAFW, My Sisters' Keeper. It is a program for our students to raise awareness about domestic violence in China, Nepal and Bangladesh. I hope we can get some semblance of the program up and running.
I watched two more episodes of The Innocence Files and continued to feel so much sadness for these people who lost years and years and years of their lives. After that, I watched God Knows Where I Am, a documentary about a woman who suffered from schizophrenia. It was riveting. She was found died in an abandon house and kept a journal. Her story was told through her journals and as more and more of her writings were revealed, you could understand how she was unraveling and fading away from reality and a quality of life. And it got me thinking about my journals. When I die, will my family read my writings and think I've been crazy for years now?
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