Wednesday, December 7, 2022

I Take My Chances Every Chance I Get

I Take My Chances Every Chance I Get

Sri Lanka

I went to Sri Lanka and discovered that they wherein a the tail end of a civil war.  I thought it was strange that I was the only person to sign up for a group tour of the country.


In high school and college, I hitch hiked all over the place.  Most I looked for rides when I was at the beach, during the summer and everyone hitched rides.  But I would sometimes go out with my high school friends, two other young girls, and look for rides in West Philadelphia.  That was dangerous.

Gall Bladder

When I suffered from my fourth episode of pain, I finally went to the doctor and found out  that my gall bladder had to come out.  

"How soon?", I asked the surgeon.

"As soon as you can schedule it" she replied.


"No I can't do it tomorrow."

Next week?

Yes,  that would be good."

OK, could it wait until ten days from now.

Well, the longer you wait, the greater your risk of it rupturing.  Why ten days.

I tell her that I have a trip to the Arctic Tundra to see polar bears.

"Do you understand the risks of waiting any longer than necessary?"

"Yes, my bladder could rupture and I would not be near a hospital and I could die", I tell her matter-of-factly.

"OK, so you understand the severity of the situation."

"Yup." And off I went to the Arctic Tundra.


I flew to Morocco one summer day with just my small back pack.  I was 54.  I had no plans.  I was alone.  I had no contacts, no friends or acquaintances that I was planning to connect with.  I was completely on my own for 8 days.

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