Monday, March 11, 2019

A Few Things Before You Show UP

Few Things Before You Show Up
November 2017- January 2018

An email I received two weeks before I went to Nepal for 9 weeks to teach:

Her comments concerned me as she didn't paint a pretty picture when we Skyped each other the day before and then she followed up with more reality.

"A few things before you show up:

·       We take our shoes off before going into the classroom, so bring warm, comfy socks and shoes that are easy to take off and put back on … The classroom has been warm enough so far because it gets daytime sun, but I’m not sure how December will be.

·       Bring ground coffee – you are probably already planning that. No coffeemaker here that I can see, so you’ll be boiling it in a pot and then straining it, pseudo-French style. 

·       Hand sanitizer would also be useful. Everything everywhere is grimy. 

·       Did we talk about technology? Does your laptop have an HDMI port?

·       While I’m thinking of it, here’s a link to a great walking tour that I did in Kathmandu yesterday afternoon, which I definitely recommend:

·       I stayed at the Ambassador Garden Home Hotel last night, which I also recommend!

·      I think you will be happy to hear that I’ve scored a portable electric heater for the bedroom here at CLC. It’s a north-facing room and never gets warm, and I decided to start asking about a heater today so that by the time it gets bitter cold, we’d have something. And voila, I get back to my room after ES a little while ago, and there it is! "


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