Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Small Victories

Small Victories

Things I am Doing To Live A More Authentic Life

  • I am no longer hiding the fact that I am agnostic. I was raised as a Catholic and I don't believe that Jesus Christ is the son of god.  And I don't have any respect for the Catholic Church.  And I don't consider myself to be a christian. This is a hard concept fro some of my family and friends and I have to gently remind them that we are all different.
  • I am comfortable to travel to foreign places by myself.
  • I retired at 55 so I could do something different.  I worked for 30 years as an educator and I needed to let that go.  I was finished with this important job.  So I retired early, took a big hit on my pension and set out on a new path.
  • I am no longer hiding the fact that I am a democrat.  I was raised in a rigid Republican family and I had to be quiet, to stuff it in, for years.  I am an unabashed, rigid Democrat.
  • I am finally comfortable to go in to a bar by myself and have beer. I never liked to do this because I felt like an alcoholic. But I really like to try flights of different beers.  So I will go to a brewery and have a flight and then leave.
  • I am making an effort to meet new people.  When I was working, I was swarmed with people.  Now that I am not working, it's is so much harder.  But I am making an effort.
  • I moved in to a new apartment, a new neighborhood, a new community and I did it so I could stay more engaged in life.

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