Thursday, August 1, 2024

August 2023

 August 2023


It's the End of the Summer as I Know It

1-TU- PA

I had a good day.  

It started around 1AM when a former student sent me a note and thanked me for my intervention when he was in high school.  I don't remember the details but I remember interacting with him on a regular basis.

Then I made a connection with my new Chinese counterpart, Estelle.  She will be running WAFW while I am in china in December.  We arranged a zoom call for tomorrow.

Then a Springfield student texted me to tell me that he had a job interview in the science department.  I was able to make connections with an old college and he let me know that Ben did a good job.

In the evening, Kevin, Pete and I went to see Oppenheimer, a three hour movie about the development of the atomic bomb.  The movie was too heavy and too long.  It's one of the ugliest moments in our history.

Afterwards, we went to Jake's Bar and I found that they also serve IPA beers.  Now, I can go back there and drink something favorable.  Pete had an IPA with me.  This man can drink a Coors light, a premium beer, an IPA and horse urine and he can't tell the difference.

2-W- PA

OMG, I slept soundly today until 1140AM.  I didn't wake up once throughout the night.  I can't believe it.  Before I started medicating myself, I couldn't sleep at all.  Now I am concerned that I am sleeping too soundly. I need to start setting an alarm clock if I am going to keeping taking a sleep aid.

I'm not sure what I did today.  I did post stuff on GD FB wall to promote the book. I did catch up on my social media things. I solidified my plans for tomorrow with Jill. We are going to two NJ breweries in the afternoon. But then I took a little rest in the late afternoon and that is always a mistake.  I wanted to go for a swim but it just was not hot enough for me to make the effort.

My back is still gross from the procedure by the dermatologist.  It's been a week now.  I thought the burn marks would be healed by now.  If they are not healed by next week, I have to call her and she will do the procedure again.  I am hoping the healing process picks up dramatically over the next few weeks.

I had a great, great zoom meeting with Estelle and Laydon.  They are two kind women. Now I can't wait to go to China in November.

3- TH- PA/NJ

I started the day with a zoom call with Sharon and friends.  I am on her committee to market her new book.

Then I drove off to Berlin, NJ to pick up Jill and go brewery hopping.  She tried a beer at our family party and enjoyed it.  So now I have convinced her that we have to go out and try few flights. We found two places to go: Brotherton Brewery (1) and Berlin Brewery (2). And I am so happy because Jill liked her beers. I wonder why I count that as a win for me.

Trump was indicted again today for attempting to overthrow an election.  I hope he rots in jail.

4- F- PA

The day started with lunch with Sue and Kevin.  They came up to WC and one of the staff members here is a former SHS student  and she was so excited to hook up with Kevin again.  I love to see kids who want to connect with their teachers. I never wanted to connect with the nuns in mu high school.

In the late afternoon, I went to the Stolen Sun Brewery (3) with Sally and Stacey. I haven't seen either of them for several weeks so it was nice to catch up with them.  Stacey bought each of us a lottery ticket.  The winning is up to 1.35 billion. I am hopeful that I will win.

5- SA- PA

It's Root Beer Day: Year 61.

Elliot had his birthday party. Sharon, Glenn, Steve, Heather, Peter, Kevin, Deirdre, Theo and I were on hand to celebrate with him.  Elliot is developing an interstate's in chess so he set up the table and I had to play with him.  I did everything I could to throw the game in his favor.  But he is so damn honest and kind that he wanted to give me strategies so that I  had a chance of winning. Peter is adorable.  When he got up from his nap and saw Theo, he ran over to him and gave him a hug and kiss. And Theo is beautiful. I love those kids.

I didn't win the lottery. I should check to see if I won anything at all.

Tricia and Bill and I went to hear Livingston Taylor at the Bryn Mawr Summer Concert series.

6- SU- PA

I had a sleepy day.  I slept until 10:30 Am but didn't get rolling until 5:00 PM.  I just didn't have enough energy to get up and get moving. I spent most of this time listening to the news and podcasts and catching up on social media.  

7- M- PA

I was supposed to pick someone up from his cancer treatment.  But he cancelled yesterday.  Now I have the whole day to myself with nothing planned. I am sure I will waste the day away.

We had a wild rain storm in the evening.  Kristen and I were going to go to Ironhill for a flight.  But this storm rolled in and pelted us with rain.  I went out to my balcony and got soaked.

8- TU- PA

I slept too late yet again thanks to my sleep aid.  I did set an alarm but ignored it.

I had a singular focus today: get my damn medical form completed for my Greenland trip.  I filled it out and sent it in without the doctor's signature.  Then I noticed if I had put down that I took no medication, I could send it in without a dr note.  Now I have to go to Exton and beg the nurse to get Maura to sign it without seeing me.

Update: my plan didn't work.  I now have a doctor's appointment for next Monday and then I will get my form signed.

I continued reading my Great Dames book.  Some people have had fucked up lived. The more I read about other people's lives the more I realize how sane my upbringing was.

9- W- PA

I usher tonight at Uptown.  It is the final night of the Singer/Songwriter Competition and I can't wait to hear these performers.

The Singer/Songwriter Competition was nice.  I didn't really pay attention because I got in a little bit of a disagreement with a mother and her daughter  The daughter wanted to sneak the boyfriend in and I caught them. And it was a bit unpleasant.  I think I should turn these things over to the house manger.  I shouldn't be taking on these situations.

10- TH- PA

I had plans to go to a brewery in Lancaster but heavy rain storms were predicted for the day. So I went to Brealoch Brewery (4) in Kennett Square instead.  I've been here a few times and my beers were good.

I've been watching the wild fires in Hawaii.  Maui is almost completely destroyed.  This is just heartbreaking.

A man who threatened to kill Biden was shot to death when the FBI came to his house to arrest him.  Trump has been using language that Bide, Obama, the Clintons and others should be killed.  I still cannot believe that this man ever won an election.

11- F- PA/DE

Jaye and I went to see the movie, Theatre Camp.  I loved it.  It was a mockumentary about a kids' summer camp. Afterwards we went back to Jaye's house for dinner.  It's been a while since I've seen Jaye and while she is feeling OK,  her spirit is trouble.  She must be worried altho time about her health. That must be tiring on her.

I stopped by Total Wines and picked up the first of my 2023 Pumpkin Ale beers.  I left with a 4 pack of a hazel porter, a six pack of Wyennbacker Imperial pumpkin ale, a six pack of an unknown pumpkin ale and a six pack of a Southern Trier 2X Hazy IPA.  I was so damn happy as I strolled back to my car and took my loot home.

12- SA- PA

I had yet another dream about school. I wonder what is my unfinished business about my job.

Bill and Pat come to West Chester for the afternoon.

We started at Jitter's because the skies opened up as we were walking to some breweries and we had to seek shelter from the storm.  We went to Wrong Crowd Brewery to start but Bill didn't like the food.  So we headed over to Artillery Brewery (5) .That food wasn't much better so we didn't stay long.

We headed to the Hop Fidelity Concert. This place is a record store and they had a live band this afternoon.  Their music was great. 

I was wearing a tee shirt that read, "Actually I Can!" A woman asked me to explain what I can do.  I told her everything, anything I want.  I told her that I got this shirt for my pending trip to China.  I explained that I teach leadership skills to college women.  She then asked me if I was a missionary.  That question pissed me off.  What a stupid conclusion to make.  So, I told her that I was an atheist. I walked away and didn't bother to look at her reaction. But it pisses me off that people think only christians can help others.

I came home and settled in to my spot in the lounge and was interrupted by a neighbor who was drunk and annoyed that I submitted an essay that was generated by AI.  She thought it was cheating, plagiarism.  When I asked her to explain, she couldn't but somewhere, she snuck in there that she was a Republican.  I felt like saying, "I could have guessed so."

13- SU- PA

It was Theo's birthday celebration.  That kid is so damn cute. There were lots of people there but no one Elliot's age so he was a bit out of sorts.  He had no one to play with him and nothing to play.  Later, Deirdre gave him a tic tac toe game and I had to play a few games with him. He found a sucker for his blight.

Joann and Lauren and I huddled in a corner and had a quiet discussion about Trump.  I told Joann that she could change her party to Republican and vote against him in the primary.  When I got home, she texted me to tell me that she and Jill are going to do so.

In the evening, as I was parking my car, I misjudged the cement post and now, my car is scrapped. And I am so damn mad at myself for this carelessness.  Hopefully, I can buff it out.

14- M- PA

I had to go to the doctor to get my from signed by her as part of the requirement to go to Greenland. One conversation led to another and then she told me about her brother who committed suicide two years ago and left two kids.  She just adopted them and life is overwhelming and her remaining siblings don't seem to support her as much as I would like them to do for her.

In the evening, a group of us went to Uptown to see the movie, Best In Show.  I've seen this movie at least five teams and it is still so damn funny.

We came back to the lounge and shared beers and laughed about our favorite lines in the movie. It was a fun night.

15-TU- PA

I tossed and turned until early in the morning so I popped a THC gummy in my mouth around 4AM.  And then I had moments of falling in and out of sleep.  And I had crazy visions of faces in my eyelids.  At one point, I dreamt that I was riding my robot vacuum cleaner and the thing made a sharp turn and I jerked so hard to save myself that I woke up a bit frightened.

Kathy called me because there is a problem with my credit card and the yacht club.  So I tried to get in to my account, which was hacked last week, and it took me almost an hour to open my account.  And it appears as if I was not charged for my expensive stay at the yacht club last month.

Sharon held a Great Dames event.  Three women pitched for their NGOs.  One woman helps high school students with their body images.  Another woman offers services to women who had breast and/or ovarian cancer.  The third woman puts together a box of clothing for people who don't have access to clothing.

Twitter: Will there be a 5th indictment?

  • YUP
  • Probably not
12 votesFinal results

16- W-PA

It was a gorgeous day. So I took a drive to Rural City Brewery (6) in Reamsburg.  The smallest pour was 7 ozs. So I got a west coast IPA and two East Coast IPAs.  I liked them but the brewery didn't have a good feel for me. So I'm taking this place off my list of places to visit again.

17- TH- PA

I wanted to go to a brewery in Lancaster today but didn't go since I took a drive yesterday to a brewery.  So instead, I sat in the lounge and chatted up Pete and Steve.  Mostly, we talked about the economy, corruption, capitalism, socialism, politicians and other hot topics. We come to no conclusions but we are still taking to each other in spite of our differences.

I just looked at my KIVA account and I am up to 1,006 loans.  I had hoped to reach 1,000 by December so I'm pleased with this progress. I have donated less that $5000 and my impact has funned over $25,000 in loans.

18- F- PA

I did nothing today but hang on my balcony, listen to podcasts, rest  and eat.  I am a lazy ass.  And today was one gorgeous day and I wasted it.

19-SA- PA/NJ

I drove to LBI today.  Jane had an engagement party for her daughter. I felt a little out of place. I didn't get to the island until 2ish and I was home by 8:30PM. We never made it to the beach.

As I was leaving the island, I stopped on the main road to let a man and his two children cross the street.  So the car in the next lane did the same.  And the family was just about to cross when a truck plowed right in to the man/car beside me.  I couldn't believe the impact of the crash.  Bits and pieces of the cars scattered all over the road.  It was unnerving. And I felt some guilt for stopping for the family.

20- SU- PA

It was a gorgeous day today but the air smells of autumn and that makes me sad.  I hate the idea of moving closer to the winter.

I was antsy but I had no one to play with.  I went to the pool to find Kristen but she didn't want to do anything.  Tricia is away.  KF is at the beach. Sharon was going to a concert.  I called Deb but she did answer the phone.  Sally didn't pick up either. I should have called Lauren.

One of my Bangladesh students posted on FB that she is starting a Masters' Program in Canada.  I am alway so proud of them when they move out of their small worlds and do something big.  I don't think I would have had the courage to do that at her age. She's in Toronto which is only an 8 hour drive from her.  So I think I may go see her when I get back from China.

Twitter: Is it just me or have most of us been silenced since musk took over. My followers are decreasing no matter how many I add each day. And I am only getting MAGA posts on my feed.

21- M- PA

The day started with a zoom call with Sharon's Social Media team. I have no one to blame but myself as I volunteered to give the team a quote from even story in the new books.  I have to get started on that task.

I went to the movies in the afternoon to see The Miracle Club.  I had high hopes for this movie as it was set in Ireland. T he cast went to Lourdes, looking for a miracle and Kathy Bates and Maggie Smith were the stars and the movie was mediocre and a bit boring. I was disappointed.

22- TU- PA/DE

I had to pick up a woman who needed a ride from her cancer treatment.  She was a truely sad sack. She had 20 days of radiation. She doesn't drive and when she couldn't get a ride through the ACA, she had to take an uber to her treatment. I felt sorry for her and she was so appreciative.

Tweet: Twitter has become a deaf zone. Most of us have become voiceless all in the name of free speech. Musk's takeover is a failure.

23- W- PA/NJ

My MMA friends joined me at Jane's house on Long Beach Island.  There were 7 of us and the day was easy and relaxing.  We sat on the beach and the day started out to be delightful.  But the winds kicked up and it got so damn cold.

We had trouble finding a place to eat dinner.  We finally got in to the Delaware Street Oyster House.  I had a delicious scallop dish that was a bit too spicy for me.  But I ate all of it.

24- TH- PA

I did not take a sleeping pill before I went to bed and I slept pretty good last night.  I wonder if I have enough medicine stored up some sort of residual effect on my system.

Maryann called me to tell me how much she enjoyed yesterday.

KF called me and we chatted about an hour about yesterday.

Shelia called me to tell me that Laurie has breast cancer.

I had full intentions of going to a brewery in Lancaster.  But Dom A texts me to see if I was going to watch history in the making.  After some confusion, I found that he was talking about Trump's fourth arrest which was happening in Georgia.  So we made plans to meet in the lounge at 7 to watch this great moment unfold.  And for some reason, there wasn't much more I accomplished today. I did do some laundry.

We met and we watched and we were filled with cheer.  We wagered how much trump weighs.  I said 280 and Dom thinks around 310.  But it turns out that Trump got to enter his own delusional weight which was 215.  Yea, right!!!!

We watched the news coverage until 10 PM.  Trump's mug shot was a still photo on the screen for two hours and that ugly pig made me so damn happy.

Debbie stopped by and at some point, told us that she is going to vote for RFK Jr because this kook speaks to her.  I chose not to get in any discussion with her because this is a vote in the right direction.  She has moved away from Trump.

I hate Trump.

I drank three beers and that is more than what I usually drink.

25- F- PA

I didn't take a sleeping aid last night or the night before and I slept great.  That makes me hopeful.

I went to Lancaster today.  My first stop was the Cartell Brewery (7) and I liked my beers but I don't think I would go back there again.  Afterwards, I went to m favorite butcher shop and got a delicious pastrami sandwich.  This shop shares a space with Mad Chief Brewery (8) so, of course, I had to have an IPA there.

In the late evening, I had a zoom call with Jerry and a group of potential facilitators and a group of Chinese students.  Mandy, Annum, Layden and my new friend Estelle were on the call and it was great to connect with the.  I can't wait to go back to China in November.

26- SA- PA

I went to the fitness center today and walked a mile on the treadmill.  Now if I can only keep this up for the next month.

In the evening, I met Deb, Lisa, Mary and Robin for a concert in Bryn Mawr.  We went to see Dar Williams and she was great.  It was a perfect night as the weather was perfect and she as great and the vibe was fantastic.  And it really helped that vonC Brewery (9) was there as well.

We stopped at Kelly's for a night cap and a toast to the indictment of the deplorable twice impeached,  four times indicted, treasonous asshole.

Today was a good day.

Twitter: PoS1135809 AKA Piece of Shit 1135809 #LockHimUp

I walked 6500 steps today.

27- SU- PA

Today ws a fun day.  It started with my brunch date with Shelia.  Johanna joined us as well.  My meal was delicious.  I had Scrapple Eggs Benedict with white gravy. It had a bit of a kick to it and it was great.  My beer was equally delicious.  I had a Rye IPA.

We went back to the lounge and Kevin and Pete joined us.  So we sat around until close to 4 PM before we all went our ways.

Then I mad plans to have lunch with Quinn tomorrow.  He starts college at WCU and I told his mother that I would have lunch with him on the first day of school.  He seems to be agreeable to the idea.  We both couldn't decide where to meet as we don't know the university.  So we are going to meet up at the student center and I am bringing hoagies and Friday chicken with me and what we don't finish, he can take back to the dorm.

I checked in with Jaye to see if she wanted to go see the new Golda movie on Tuesday.  She can't make it but wants to go on Wednesday.  I may be able to do it that day.  But my sweet, little boys are coming here to go swimming on Wednesday.  

But once Jaye said she couldn't do Tuesday, I got back in touch with Jill and told her that I could accept her invitation to dinner at her house on Tuesday.  So that will be nice as it have be two years since I last saw Jill.

Twitter: The Biden administration is expected to announce the first 10 prescription drugs the federal government will negotiate to reduce the cost of Medicare's most expensive medicines. #ThanksDarkBrandon

Twitter: Where does god fit in with the presence of aliens? Is she in charge of them too?

Twitter: We have an exPOTUS who was impeached 2X, lost the popular vote 2X, lost the 2020 election, illegally paid a porn star, had to close down his fake university & foundation, doesn't pay his bills & has 4 indictments and that's the best the GOP can do? #TrumpIsALoser #LockHimUp

Twitter: DeSantis finally returned to Florida to address emergencies which include outbreaks of leprosy & malaria, a deadly spree of flesh-eating bacteria, record-breaking temperatures off Florida’s shore that have threatened coastal ecosystems and a failing property insurance market.

28- M- PA

So I was up too damn early and I made my way to the WCU campus in search of a parking place and a bag of lunch for Quinn.  The campus was packed with students, cars, crossing guards and excitement. I was happy to be in this moment.  I liked the vibe of all these young people on the first day of school. 

I couldn't find a parking spot.  So I circled around our meeting point several times. And then I spotted Quinn and he jumped in my car and I took him to a place on Gay Street so we could get drinks.

It was nice to reconnect with him after 4 years but he was so shy that it unnerved me a bit.  I've known him since he was 4 and he had always been a fun, loud, gregarious kid.  But he was restrained today.  And he spoke so damn softly that I couldn't hear everything he said. And I am self-conscious about having to ask people to repeat any other word they speak. I need a hearing aide.

In the evening, Pete and I walked over to Uptown to see the movie, The Endless Summer.  I saw this movie in 1966 and I think this movie gave birth to my wanderlust.

29- TU- PA

Jill D had a few of us over for dinner. Of course, Mark was there and Kevin showed up and there was this other guy who was so damn irritating. He corrected everything I said. He explained the obvious and was generally poor company.  OMG, I couldn't stand him.  And the dogs were all over me and licked me and sniffed me and jammed in to my personal space. So I drank 3 1/2 beers.

Twitter: My twitter feed has become nothing but Republican propaganda.

Twitter: Mehdi Yarrahi, an Iranian singer, was arrested by Iranian authorities for his song celebrating the anniversary of the Mahsa Amini protests. “Take off your scarf, the sun is sinking. Don’t be afraid, my love, laugh, protest against tears.” #WomenEmpowerment

30- W- PA

The adorable Cassey boys came to my home to go swimming in my pool and we had great fun.  The water was cold, too cold for my comfort but I got my fat ass in the pool because I was on neurotic life guard duty. Elliot was hesitate to get wet but Peter just leapt in to the water from the firs step.  I think he was airborne for a few seconds.

Heather brought lunch and snacks and we huddled together to keep warm and eat.  And then, we wandered in to town and had ice cream and they left and I was exhausted so I had to take a nap.

I went to have dinner with Jaye and Dom and we all tried to keep off the conversation of Trump but of course, our conversation went there.  And we just can't get over how much energy this moron sucks out of every conversation.  I hate him.

31- TH- PA

I had trouble sleeping last night and I had trouble getting up today.  I think I will have to go back to using a sleep aid.  I haven't taken anything for about a week and I was doing pretty good for awhile. But that tossing and turning until 4 AM is just torture.  I was going to take a THC gummy.  But the dreams are just too intense.

I had plans of going to a brewery in Lancaster but I talked myself out of it because I have it in the back of my mind that I am going to attend a strength training session here in the fitness center.  But I feel certain that is not going to happen.  So then I decided to go to a brewery in Downingtown as that would get me back in time for the class.  But I wasn't motivated to do that either. Now I am in the lounge and have no excuse to miss the event.  But I just don't feel like it.

One of my students advertised her protein powder store.  So I asked her a few questions and $154 later, I am a member and three things of unknown worth are coming my way in the mail.

Update: I did not make it to the strengthening class but I did make it a point to walk my 5000+ steps.  So that is a win for me.

It's the end of August, the end of the summer, the near end of the pool. It's the beginning of autumn, football, chilly nights, using the fire pit in the courtyard and shorter days.

Highlights of the month

  • The Cassey boys came to my home to swim with me.
  • Trump got arrested and a mug shot was released.
  • I visited 9 breweries.
  • Pumpkin Ale was released and I am so damn happy.
  • Elliott turned 6 and Theo turned 1.
  • I connected with my Chinese liaison in China.

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