Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Birthday Goal 68

Birthday Goal:  68 Events

July1, 2023- June 30, 2024

In 1968, I started the 8th grade and that was about the time that my parents finally let me go to the movies with friends.  So for my 68th birth year, I am going to 68 entertainment events.  That includes movies, lectures, concerts, plays, demonstrations etc.  I can't wait.  It should be an interesting year.

  1. The Olympic Museum- Colorado
  2. The Songs of Freedom, a movie about the dreadful child sex trafficking crisis in our world.
  3. The Barbie Movie, a fun, light, powerful movie about women.
  4. Hook, a movie I've seen at least four times and I love it every time I see it.  It was playing at the Monday Night Movies at Uptown and I was an usher.
  5. Oppenheimer, this was no Barbie movie.
  6. Livingston Taylor concert- Bryn Mawr summer series. I went with Tricia and Bill.
  7. Singer/Songwriter Finalist Concert- I ushered this event at the Uptown Theatre.
  8. Theatre Camp, a movie- it was a very funny mockumentary about a kids' summer theatre camp.
  9. Hop Fidelity Concert with Bill and Pat McRae. This band was talented.
  10. Best in Show movie at Uptown. a group of us went and laughed all night long.  I've seen this movie five times now and it is still funny as hell.
  11. Miracle Club- a movie- mediocre at best and I had such high hopes for this comedy.  But in hindsight, how could you make a comedy about a spiritual visit to Lourdes, France.
  12. Dar Williams Concert at the Bryn Mawr Twilight Concerts- she was good.
  13. The Endless Summer, a 1966 movies about two surfers who followed the sun so that they could surf all year.
  14. Tommy and Me, a play by Ray Didinger and Tommy McDonald, an NFL Hall of Famer.
  15. Golda, a movie about Golda Mier and her leadership during the war between Israeli and Egypt.
  16. My Big, Fat Greek Wedding, III- a terrible movie.
  17. Flora and Son- an Irish movie and I couldn't understand one word the son said, except when he said "fuck".
  18. Taylor Swift movie with Tricia.  I loved it.
  19. Jeffrey Gaines, singer/songwriter, at the Uptown Theatre.  I've been a fan of his for 30+ years.  But this is the first time i've seen him live.  And I couldn't beleive how enthsuitic the audience was.
  20. Leo's championship football game.  His team lost 41-0.
  21. Bohemian Rhapsody, a singalong movie with a crowd from CS.  We had fun.
  22. Holdovers, a movie- I liked it and then there were times when I wasn't interested in the characters and the plot.
  23. The John Brynes Band- Kildaire's Irish Pub
  24. I Am The Noise, a documentary about Joan Baez @ Theater N in Wilmington, DE
  25. The Big Chill, @ uptown theatre with a group from CS.
  26. Dave, at the Uptown theater.  I went with Joanna
  27. Philadelphia Medley Group- Chinese cultural show @ uptown
  28. Elf @ Uptown- I've seen this movie at least twice now and that should be enough for my lifetime.
  29. Wonka- movie- I love the theme of this movie.
  30. Gillian Grassie, a harpist @ Uptown
  31. The Color Purple - I've read the book, watched the movie from 1980 and now I've watched this moives and I've enjoyed all of them.
  32. The Boys in The Boat- movie- I read the book about 10 years ago and loved it.  The movie was just as enjoyable.
  33. The John Byrn Band: A Salute to the Pogues- Kelly Center in Haverford
  34. American Fiction- this was a great movie. It was so well written.
  35. Dane Tighten Art Show at Uptown.
  36. danielo c  trial- Kennett Square District Magistrate's court room
  37. Origin, a movie about the origin of caste systems and hate.
  38. The Presidential Heads- Williamsburg, VA
  39. The Color Purple- original movie- Uptown
  40. Best of Short Films- Live Action- BMFI- I liked Wes Anderson's movie the best.
  41. Best of Shorts- Documentaries- Uptown
  42. Choral Music Concert- PSA- A PhD candidate was conducting a choral group as part of his candidacy requirements.
  43. Little League Museum- Williamsport, PA
  44. Beauty and the Beast- high school production at Mastermann High School
  45. Cabrini- the movie with Joanna. This was the story of Mother Cabrini who came to the USA as an Italian and worked to start an orphanage for young Italian kids who has been abondon at the turn of the 19th century.
  46. The Taste of Things- movie with Leslie.
  47. UN Presentation- WAFW- NYC, NY- March
  48. Hindu Temple- with Tricia- NJ
  49. One Life- movie- Anthony Hopkins
  50. Wacky, Little Letters, a movie- I love these types of movies.  It was so funny and quirky.
  51. Artillery Bands- an afternoon of music
  52. Solar Eclipse- Montazuma National Wildlife Refuge.- April 8
  53. The Long Shot- BMFI- a movie about the first Mexican High School Golf team in TX in the 1950s.
  54. West Chester Birthday Parade- I marched with the Uptown Theater volunteers and the parade was boring and lame.
  55. Graduate Concert- Curtis Music Institute Concert- Philly
  56. Longood Gardens with Sharon, Kathy and Tricia.
  57. West Chester Film Festival- usher- Apri 27
  58. Driving Madeline- BMFI
  59. Mid-life Crisis Perfomrance- Darlington Art Center
  60. Hot Dog Eating Contest- Jitters- West Chester- It was gross and so entertaining.
  61. Clydesdale Horses- West Chester
  62. Audobon Gardens- with Tricia
  63. Maggie Rose at the World Cafe in Philly.
  64. Jenkin Aboreum with Tricia
  65. Bonnie Raitt @the Met with Deb Green
  66. The Rolling Stones @ the Linc with Joann. What a moment in time. I was thrilled to be there.
  67. Bloomsday, a tribute to James Joyce with Bill McRae. All day long, people read parts of Ulysses.
  68. Tuesday, a movie at BMFI. What a shame to finish this goal with a movie that I just didn't like.

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