July 2022
1- F- PA
I had a work dream but is was a little different from the many others I have had. John Bambach and I had to give a presentation to the middle school about our travel adventures.
It's muggy and hot so I am doing nothing but exploring the internet. And I ran across an obit announcement for Alfred Arena, my nemesis from Stroudsburg. There is no available section to leave a note on his obit which is too bad because I would write something horrible.
2- SA- PA
I hung here and let the day slip by. I did sit in the lounge and read for a few hours. I am reading David Sedaris and found myself laughing out loud.
I also ate 4 popsicles. I found some popsicles that are only 20 calories so I have convince myself that there is no harm in eating them. I love to eat popsicles. I find them to be so damn smoothing to my throat.
3- SU- PA
In the afternoon, I met Sally, Stacey and Callie at the Stolen Sun Brewery- (1). I've been here several times. But today, my beers weren't anything special.
OMG, I hate when I do this but I uploaded a stupid video games on my damn phone. It's a car parking game. And it is mindless and stupid and I spent two hours getting little imaginary cars out of a jammed parking lot. What's wrong with me.
4- M- PA
Independence Day, what joke!
We had another mass shooting today. Someone went on a roof top and shot at a crowd, killing six and injuring many. What's wrong with us?
I talked to Gina's brother. In the middle of the conversation he just blurted out, "And that critical race theory. We have to do something about that." I pretended that I didnt hear the stupid thing he just said.
Tricia told me that there were fireworks near her. So I drove there and we sat in front of the McDonald's and watched the show. I love to watch fireworks.
I looked up more old work colleagues on the internet. Nancy Desmond is dead. So is George Bossert. But Alfred Knecht is still alive. He's 93. Patricia Day died in her late 50's. It looks as if she had cancer. And she had two sons since I last saw her in 1984. Katie Scalise is still alive but her husband died when he was 67. I am going to be 67 next week.
We had a second mass shooting this evening. Someone shot in to a crowd in Philly, watching the fireworks. I've been in that crowd before. We are no longer safe anywhere in this country. There are people who are out to get us and there are people who are too afraid to take a stand and do the right thing.
Tricia, Bill and I watched the fireworks from a parking lot near her home. I never grow tires of watching fire works.
Tweet: When will the GQP admit that enough is enough? #GunSafetyNOW
5- TU- PA/NJ
I had dreams about my parents. I bought a second house for me and one for them but we all forgot about it so the houses sat empty for a few years. They were off a road that was off the beaten path. This road was familiar to me, as if it had been in a previous dream(s).
I thought I had a dr appointment this afternoon. So I got there in plenty of time only to discover that my appointment is tomorrow.
Gas is down to $4.74/gallon. It only cost me $47.50 to fill my tank as opposed to $50.
I went back to the rookery in Ocena City, NJ. I was there a few weeks ago and all of the nests were filled with eggs. I was certain that these eggs would be hatched by now. And they were and my damn camera had a dead battery and I was so frustrated becasue I wantd todocument this moment. But instead, I just did my best to be mindfully present in this beautiful moment. It was hard on me. I must come back soon.
On the way home, I stopped at the Somers Point Brewery (2)- NJ. I had a flight of a coconut stout, a sour, a pilsner, and an IPA and all of my beers were delicious. I wanted to try one more beer. But the place got so crowded so quickly that I just decided to leave. It was as if the beach closed up and people came right over to the bar.
Tweet: Walking through America has now become a living game of Russian roulette. #GunSafetyNOW #GunViolence #AssaultWeaponsBan #AssaultWeaponsBanNOW
6- W- PA
I was back at my dr appointment and I got my third prolia shot for my osteroosis problem. I hope it's working.
Lauren came over to help me with my new chair that I put together last week. It is already falling apart.
She told me that she was a pansexual and I had to look that up.
Tweet response: We aren’t talking about the high prices on July 4. We are talking about the shootings. We are dying on the streets.
I walked 7100 steps.
7- TH- PA
I got a text from Sue today: Good morning Bridget. So I wanted to share some news with you. I have started dating my good friend Bobby who I sing with. We've known each other for 15+ years and he was an incredible friend to Tom when he was going through a depression period. Not sure how this happened, but it feels right. All the kids are very supportive and happy for me, which was very important. I know it's going to be a bit uncomfortable for you because you and Tom were close. Anyway, I wanted you to know. (I have not told Ruth, Rob or Kevin yet). Also, Caroline's having a B'Day Bash pool party on the 23rd. She asked me to ask you to come if you are free. I know, a lot to take in.
In the evening, I joined my neighbors for a Concert in the Park at the Marshal Street Park. I've wanted to go to these events for the last couple of years but never made my way over there. It was a fun night. Afterwards, some of us came back and hung in the court yard. We, each, ran to our apartmetns and got our beverages of choice and reconvened.
I walked 5200 steps today.
8- F- PA/DE
I had another crazy ass work dream. Again, I was taking kids on a field trip. My dreams used too center around state testing, but now I dream about organize student events and field trips.
In the afternoon, Jaye and I went to the movies to see the new film, Elvis. I liked it and I thought that Elvis was so damn handsome. Dom joined us for dinner at a pizza place.
9-SA- PA
It’s my birthday. I’m 67 and I am feeling a little lost today. I'm hiding from everyone. A bout of depression is hanging over me and I have no energy to interact with anyone. I think my visit with Jaye has me down. I feel hopeless about her situation. I got up late and I foolishly slipped back in to bed in the mid-afternoon. I didn't get up until 11ish and did a few things around the apartment and then just went back to bed. I didnt feel like celebrating.
10- SU- PA
I am in better spirits today and I am going to make more effort to interact with the rest of the world.
I sat in the lounge and finished my Daivd Sedaris book. I was finaly grateful to be finsished as it took me forever to read all 535 pages. Now I am going to find his new book and get started on that one. His wiritngs inspire me.
I took a walk through town to work on my birthday goal of 67 new places to visit in West Chester, PA. I found two places to try.
I had a delicious pepperroni personal pizza at New Haven Pizza. Then I wandered over to and had a grapefriut slushy which was so damn soothing to my throat.
I walked 5300 steps today. I MUST get back in to this routine of walking every day.
11- M- PA/NJ
A woamn pulled her pants down on high street. She was morbidly obese and she had an ass that was the size of side of a cow. My first thought, "Damn, I wish I had my camera handy."
I went back to the Ocean City NJ rookery and this time, I was ready with my good camera. However, I'm a week too late. Most of the birds are gone. This adventure is finsihed until next year.
On the way home, I stopped at the Tuckahoe Brewery (3)-NJ and enjoyed this stop. The beers were good and the people were friendly.
I uploaded that stupid vidoe game on my damn phone. It's a mindless car parking game.
Twitter: If the videos of Hunter are current, then he needs to go back to rehab. And if he does go, he should take Don Jr with him so that DJTJ can address his coke problem
12- TU- PA
It's the 7th January 6 hearing and I am overwhelmed with all of the findings of this group. How could anyone believe anything Trump ever says.
I walked to the new Turkhead Cafe- green smoothie- $5.
tweet:Today is a good day to declare the Oath Keepers and The Proud Boys as domestic terrorist groups. #DomesticTerrorists
“They were doing crazy stuff and it was a disservice to the country.” Bill Barr #TrumpIsALaughingStock #TrumpisaNationalDisgrace #TrumpIsATraitor #TrumpTantrum
13- W- PA
I had another reoccuring work dream. I'm tired of these dreams.
I drove to Valley Springs State Park to see the stars. It's the darkest spot on the east cost of the USA. It took me the better part of 5 hours to get there and it was a tough drive. The last hour was spent on one curvy road for 50 miles. Only one car passed me that whole time and I was suddenly concerned about my fuel gauge and the possibility of breaking down.
I listened to the book, Nowher for Very Long by Brianne Madix. She is a bit of social infulencer and her husband accidently ran over their beloved dog. Someone started a GoFundMe for the dog and over $100,000 was raised on his behalf.
I got to the visitors' parking lot just in time for sundown. There were a few cars in the lot and I discovered that no one was here to see the stars. The supermoon was going to shine tonight. And while that was exciting, that meant there would not be as many stars as usual.
This is the second time I've been here to see the stars and I think this is also my last time.
14- TH- PA
The sun was heating up my car by 6AM this morning. It was bright and I untangled me from the front seat of the car and stepped outside only to discover that I was the only one still in the parking lot. It was a lonely feeling. I got to Sharon's house around 830 AM and she let me take a nap until Tricia and Bill showed up .
After brunch, we piled in the car and headed to State College for the Arts Festival. Sharon, Tricia and I said we werent going to buy anything on this first day. Five minuts later, I bought a black leather purse.
We stopped at Zeno's for beer and I was so damn happy. I love to come to this place. This year is its 50th anniversary. I think I started coming here in 1974 and it seemed like an old palce back then. Nothing about it has changed in all these years.
We walked all the way up to the Creamery for a big ass ice cream cone.It was way too much to eat and when I finished, I wantd to get a second one.
We listened to some street music on Allen Street. As we were sitting there, enjoying the moment, I worried that a random gunman could show up with an assault weapon and just blow us all away. This is our new america.
I walked 11,500+ steps today and my feet were burning by the end of the day.
15- F- PA
The day started on a leisurely note. The others slept in later than usual. I was up earlier than usual. But there was no hurry to seize the day. We had our coffee on the back porch and just took in the sounds of the creek and the wild birds. We had a huge late breakfast and then got ready and went back to the Arrts Festival.
I knew the day was going to be a great day becasue we found ideal parking right in town. We wandered up Allen Street and over to Fairmount and back to Frazer and stopped at one beusitufu booth after another. I tried not to look too hard becasue I didnt want to buy any thing. I do not have room in my 800 sq ft apartment fro one more item.
But I did find a blue, Egyptain cottone scarf that spoke to me. So, of course, I bought it and I was pleased with this buy and yesterday's buy. And I didn't buy another thing.
We stopped at the VooDoo Brewery- (4)- PA on the day back to the cabin. I've been here before and I had a hoppy lager and an IPA. We sat outside along the creek and all of us drank beer. I think the last time we all drank like this was in college. I loved this moment.
In the evening, we had a birthday dinner for me which was nice.
We all went to bed early.
16- SA- PA
We had a late breakfast and then Tricia, Bill and I took off and headed home. It was a tiring ride. Fortunaely, it was only 3 hours. But I could barely keep my eyes open.
I listened to Start Without Me by Gary Jeneth. I think he wants to become the next David Sedaris. But his stories aren't that interesting and his voice is so damn annoying.
In the evening, I saw the Manhattan Transfers at the Keswick with Sue Descano. They have been singing together for 50 years. They are losing thier audience but they arent losing thier talent. I love to listen to live music.
17- SU- PA
I think I won the Lazy Ass Award today. I did nothing, absolutely nothing. I slept and I was shooked at the number of dreams I had.
I did play my stupid vidoe game for two hours. I hate these games.
Responding to this tweet: My daughter recently came out as Trans. I now I have four sons. Im super opened minded and progressive but I’m a bit sad I lost my only daughter. Does that make me a bad person? My response: Nope, this is a loss for you which you need to acknowledge and mourn. Best wishes to your emerging son.
18- M- PA
Annum and I spoke. She found someone in Scotland who is going to sponsor her first year of costs to go to college in Wilmington, DE. I can't believe that lucky bitch.
I spent the better part of the afternoon, in the lounge, catching up on my social media. I've been away from my computer since Tuesday night.
I texted Ryan to see if he was coming to our family party on Saturday. He has another obligation so he can't make it. That's a shame. I think its been three years since I last saw him.
Debbie and Jeff stopped by so we caught up on each othere's news.
Ryan texted me back to tell me that he made arrnagements to reschedule his Saturday obligation and he may be able to join us. I hope so.
19-TU- PA
Pete was sitting out in the courtyard, all masked up. He contacted covid and is so worried about giving it to Diann. She sat in the shade, far away from him. I am so sick of being defensive about this virus.
My left eye hurts. I did something to it. It feels as if I poked my eye. There is nothing wrong with my vision but I have a dull pain in the corner of my eye. I dont have an eye doctor and I am apprhensive to even go tothe doctor becasue I dont want anyone to find something that would interfere with my trip next week.
It's hot today. It is 91F. It isnt hot enough to go to the pool but it is too hot to be wandering around outside. So I retreated and went to the movies. I went to the BMFI to see The Phantom of the Open and it was light and enjoyable.
I spoke with KF for about an hour. I was hoping that she could join me at the movies but she is at the beach until further notice.
I started listening to Stanley Tucci's book on food, Taste, My Life Through Food. He narrates the book so it just seems as if he is speaking directly to me.
20- W- PA
It's another hot day and I still am not headed to the pool. I'm hanging in the air conditoned lounge and that is enough intervention from the heat.
Annum contacted me this morning. Her father booked her a ticket from Bangladesh to JFK airport on August 22. She gets in at 9PM. She is trying to find a flight that gets in to PHL that night. I hope she decided to just book a hotel and head to Philly the next morning.
I have an urge to go get her. But it would be three hours to get there from Philly and about an hour to find each other, 4 hours to get to her apartment in Newark, DE, an hour to get her settled in her apartment, and then 1 1/2 hours to get back to my apartment. That's too much. I am not going to make the offer.
My eye glasses have gone in to fail mode today. Everything is blurry. I need new glasses ASAP. And my eye still hurts. I think I need to find an eye doctor.
We had a party here in the lounge. The event started with an annoying conversation between Debbie and me. I am offended by her and I need to find my balance of asserting myself and becoming offensive or stepping back and address the issue later.
Basically, she claims the Roe v Wade is no big deal and just a purposeful distraction to get people like me to get rattled up so that Biden can continue to push inflation and gas prices. I started to argue with her. But I found myself getting too angry. I have been fighting this issue for 39 years. So I stopped before I said something I regretted but it occupied all of my thouhts all night long.
I chatted up Kristen who just earned her PhD and told me that she paid $900 for her cap and gown. That is unbelievable. And I tormented her for spending that kind of money.
Then some woman came over and asked Kristen to write a text to this man she just met who is aksing her to come to his house for a date. She's uncomfortable with the inviation but doesnt want to offend him. So Kristen wrote the text and she sent it, relieved to have someone help her thorugh this challenge.
Then two young women joined our table and talked about how silly all of the covid restrcitoins were. So I became self-righteous and told them that I had cancer during covid and I was greatful for everyone's interventions for keeping me safe.
An older guy joined out table. He was so fucking high that he couldn't stay in the conversation. He is going through a messy divorce and wanted to tell us about it but didn't want to talk about it. But he does love to "get high a little bit". He referred to his drugs as "kelly" and claims to be related to Grace Kelly but I don't think so.
Then it was just Kristen, Sharon and me and I told them about my cancer and breast issues. After Kristen left, Sharon shared some crazy stories about her breast surgeries. And then we talked about her step son's suicide. It was a wild night of stories and personalities.
I have 1,105,170 views on my blog as of today. I wonder who is eading what I am writing.
21- TH- PA
I woke up to the sound of the power washer in the courtyard. Paulo has been out there for several hours this morning. When I looked outside, I thought he had washed all of the dirty cushions out there. But, no, after waiting for a year, we have new cushions and they look great.
My eye problem has disappated. I must have bruised the socket and it doesnt hurt anymore.
And my bruised ego from last night is healed. I don't care what Debbie thinks about Roe v Wade. It's a big fucking deal when some women have more right than other women in this country. But I do need to work on my own self-righteousness that everyone doesnt have to be as horrified about my causes as I am.
Biden has covid and Fox News is filled with joy.
I sat in the lounge for a bit. Paulo, Steve and Bob came and chatted me up. After a bit, I excuesed myslef and left. I had to do something to get me out of the apartment building. So I went to Braeloch Brewery (5) in Kennett Square. Ive been here before but nothing looks familiar to me. I had a hazy IPA, a hazy Pale Ale, a DIPA and an Imperial Milk Stout. I really liked the hazy IPA.
Gas is $4.56 today. It's still too high for my liking but it is still cheaper than the rest fo the world.
22th - F-
23- SA- P
24A- SU- PA
I drove to Western PA to take an art course for the next five days. I am taking indigo dying techniques from a master artist from Nigeria. i cant wait. I love to come to this place. I spnd a week in the woods, emerse my self in the arts and block out the rest of the wolrd.
My cabin has no running water, very little electricity, a dim light dangling from the celing, four institutional twin beds, a thich musty smell and a shelf. This is my home until Friday.
A bear was roaming around the camp grounds.
It rained
My knickle hurts.
Gasali spoke of his pending position as the king of his tribe.
It's raining yet again.
My sneakers are spongy and wet and my feet smell awful.
My knuckle hurts.
I think my sheet will never dry.
29- F- PA
Auction- beaded jacket fir $30.
We don’t listen to her. She likes biden
On the way home I stopped in at the Whitehorse Brewery (6) in Somerset County, PA. I liked the place and started a conversation with two old men. But I had to be very careful what I sad. I was in Trump country.
I saw gas for $4.31 and then an hour later, saw a gas station selling it for $4.19.
I got home around 10PM. I was tired and it was good to be back to my bed and other luxuries.
There is a new garage door. It's been almost a year that it's been broken.
My right knee was killing be by the time I got home. But my left, frozen shoulder seems to be getting better. But my right middle finger seems to be bending more. I am getting old.
30- SA- PA
I had yet another school dream I had to take two kids to a music competition in NYC on the train. This dream was not filled with as much anguish as some of my other dreams.
I want to be back at Touchstone. I really had a great week.
I stayed in bed all day and fell in and out of sleep and had wild dreams. One dream actually had an ending which is unusual. I always thoguht that dreamsn had no beginnings or endings.
31- SU- PA
I had a bit more energy today. So I went to Tricia's to hang fro the afternoon. We went out for Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee which is a big treat for her. And then I went to a pizza place and got a stromboli.
When I can home, I tried batiking one of my pillow sheets.
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