Facebook Post
September 2018
"I have worked under 10 principals I think . You are amazing Doc and continue to change peoples lives . You are always the champion for the underdog and treat everyone the same . You have a very strange sense of humor , you laugh at your own jokes and like finding new pubs but no one , no one has ever loved her students and faculty like you . You stay in their lives , you celebrate their marriages and births of children , you cry at their sicknesses and deaths but you just don’t go away. From the other side of the world you reach out to pick someone up. Many times that person has been me. Working for you was the biggest privilege in my educational career. I know for a fact if I had not met you I wouldn’t have met the two best educators I know Fonda and Karen . If I didn’t meet them I would definitely not be working in urban education. It’s amazing doc and you just don’t know what a passionate principal can do to a family . You were never easy , you were firm but fair and that is the reason I am thankful to you. I don’t care what Christine Chris Belton says about you , you are the best and inspire me to be my best each day . Your father would be so proud of the difference maker . Thanks Doc."
Jim Heller o you did to
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Kevin Foster
She's the reason I made it out in 4 years instead of having an extended stay.
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A Lombardo
So true!
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Kathryn T Nicolella
All that and she brought FIREWORKS to graduation.
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- Joseph BosakDon’t make her head Any bigger , miss you KT
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- DKellyYou also helped me a lot. Joseph Bosak. Not so much2
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- Kathryn T NicolellaMiss you guys.
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Nat Rose
So true!!!!!
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- Hey Joe I actually remember his passing , never knew that about doc. My first year there 99-00 we had a student die . No one knew what to do , she did and carried us. I bet you she would still remember his name
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Scott Hale
Amen to that.
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Moose J Moose
Hail Bridget of House Kelly. Long may she Reign
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