Monday, January 2, 2023

Highlights 2022

Highlights 2022

The Highs and the Lows

I started the year by going out and searching for a mandarin duck that had wandered in to a park in Philly.  I found him on January 1.  By January 4, he was dead.

Jaye was diagnosed with liver cancer.  This is very upsetting news. The good news is that it is Stage One so there is hope.  But cancer is such a scary word.

Deirdre announced her pregnancy.  Baby Boy Zhang will be arrving in August.

The day after our road trip, Brian called me to tell me that Cindy tested positive for covid.

I went to Barbados for a few days in late January.  This was my first trip abroad in two years.

Road trip #2022-1- Brian, Cindy, Gus, Clay and I traveled to Vegas and Utah for a few days. We had a great time.

Road Trip #2022-2- I traveled to Colorado in search of the Sand Hill Crane migration trail. They were magnificent.

Road Trip #2022-3- I drove to Myrtle Beach, SC for a few days. And I think that will be the last time I go to Myrtle Beach.

Road Trip #2022-4- I drove to DC to see the Cherry Blossoms.  I got there three days too late. Three days of intense rain destroyed the blossoms.

Road Trip #2022-5- I drove to Eureka Springs, AR.

Road Trip #2022-6- Cherry Springs State Park and Tylersille

Road Trip #2022-7- Touchstone Craft Center, Farmington, PA

Road Trip- #2022-8- Avalon, NJ

Road Trip- #2022-9-  Brielle and Quentin's wedding shower- West Chester Bounty, NY

Road Trip- #2022-10- Rehobeth Beach, DE

Lauren got engaged to Mike Blake.

Question got engaged to Brielle Greenburg.

Theo Calvon Yang was born in August.

Clay won his first college track race.

We had our family Christmas in July Party.  The part has been on hodl for the last two years because of covid. The last time we had this part was in December 2019.

I went to Ireland for ten days.

I got Covid in October.

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