Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Road Trip #2202-8

Road Trip #2202-8

Northern PA

                West Chester -  Cherry Springs State Park-  Tylersville-  State College- home

July 13- 16, 2022

I headed to Cherry Springs International Dark Skies to see a sky full of stars.

It took me five hours to drive there and the last hour was a 50 mile curvy road with no homes.  Only one car drove pass in during this hour. If I broke down,  I was in trouble.

I listened to the audiobook,  Nowhere for Very Long by Brian Madix on the way up.

I listened to Start Without Me by Gary Jeneth on the way home.

We had a supermoon which was beautiful but caused too much light to see lots of stars.

I slept in my car all night so that I could see variations of the skies.

I am too old to be sleeping in my car.

I told my family that I was going to sleep in my car and none of them indicated that this was strange.

I watched the sun set, the moon rise and the sun rise while I was there.

I headed to Tylersville, PA to visit with my sister and her husband.  They had a 1850 log cabin in the woods along a creek.

My other sister and her husband joined us as well.

We went to State College/Penn State to explore the annual Arts Festival.  The festival has been on hiatus for two years becasue of covid.  It was fun to be back in this great, little town.

I purchased a new purse and a blue scarf.  I really like both of them and I am glad that I didnt buy any more stuff.  I am working diligently to get rid of the stuff I have now.

We went to Zeno's and drank beer and if I had my say about the matter, I would still be there all afternoon.  I love that place.

We also went to VooDoo brewery and sat outside and had a few beers. That, too, was an enjoyable moment.

As we do every time we go to PSU, we stopped at the creamery and had a glutonous cocnut ice cream cone.

We listened to bits and pieces of musical performances throughout the day.

We walked a lot.  My feet were burning by the time we got home.

I slept well. But then, I was worn out by all of the activities of the day and the house was so dark and so quiet.

We had fun.

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