Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Weathering The Storm

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Weathering The Storm

March 14, 2017  · 

Springfield Township, PA

Bridget E Kelly was watching House Hunters at Sue Descano's House.

Watching TV, eating freshly made blueberry muffins and drinking coffee.

Debbie Green:  I had to re-read this as my first glance suggested that YOU made the bueberry muffins. Glad I cleared that up.

Jojo Kelly:  Lol!!!? I thought the same exact thing!!?😂😂

Bridget E Kelly: I didnt make them but I would have if Sue had let me.

Jojo Kelly: OMG, that was funny!

Bridget E Kelly: Three chicken breasts are thawing on the counter. Im going to ask her if she needs help.

Jojo Kelly: Yikes!!

Jill Potter: It never crossed my mind that Bridget E Kelly made the muffins.

Bridget E Kelly: Jill Potter thank you.

Sam Stein:  What are the odds that she will need help?

Bridget E Kelly:  I just asked if she needed help and she said she was all done.

Jill Potter:  Lol

Sam Stein:  I should have put money on that one.

Sam Stein:  In all fairness, Deb, Jojo and Jill, I do have this evidence of Bridget at the stove; But it could be that she is eating out of the pot.

Bridget E Kelly::Sam Stein where were we. I don't recognize this kitchen.

Sam Stein:  That was my kitchen on Polk St , SF in 1983.

Kirsten Kollars:  It's always a good thing hanging with Sue and Tom.

Bridget E Kelly:  we just had a blizzard.

Kirsten Kollars:  Are you okay?

Bridget E Kelly:  Of course, I'm with sue.

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