Friday, November 6, 2020

I Can't Figure Out Whether People Are Kidding Or Not

I Can't Figure Out Whether People Are Kidding Or Not 

A Note From Gloria

Sias University

Henan Province, China

Fall 2012

Gloria wrote to me today.  She is looking for ways to cultivate a sense of humor.  I understand why this is so diffiuclt for her.  She is so honest and serious that she just assumes that everyone is just like her.

"Dear Bridget! 

I'm thinking of you! Recently I was about to ask you a question. I increasingly realized that I am so stupid. I can't figure out whether people are kidding or not. I believe whatever they say most of the time and then Susanna always helped me by telling me they were kidding. Sometime she was kidding while I believed. 

I remembered I could understand your humor when you were here. but now I become more stupid. How can I get a sense of humor? Can it be cultivated? I'm Jack--the dull boy. 
Miss your laughs!"

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