Facebook Post
October 6, 2012
Noca Scotia, Canada
"Crossing the Bay of Fundy, feeling seasick."
Stephanie Serfass- Oh no you need some Ginger or Ginger tea it helps!
Arthur Conquest III- uh oh... Sending you some healing prayers.
Tracy Matulevich- Did you get a chance to see the flower pot rocks?
Saul Kleinman- Midships is the best place to be on a rocking ship. Or, if you're an evil little twerp like me, you just tell people to go as far forward as possible!
Suellen Sorenson- Lay down flat and pretend you're a baby rocking in a cradle. Works for me!
Jamie Downs- I'm remembering is it Canso Causeway? Bay of Fundy National Park? Big rock sculpure shapes on the beach? It has been a long time.
Riza Rasco- Hope you made it ok.
Selia Wang- you can do it
Bridget E Kelly- Good news!!!!! I survived. Thanks everyone.
Jamie Downs- Did you kayak across?
Bridget E Kelly- No, I stayed low and missed seeing the whales and sea birds and lighthouses. The trip is a blur.
Kathy Flatley Bandos- I hope you're playing that Joni Mitchell song.
Jamie Downs- Ok. John and I are missing it. Which Joni Mitchell song?
Kathy Flatley Bandos- When Bridget and I lived together in college, she wore out all her Joni Mitchell records. Literally. Consequently, I know every word to every song. Bay of Fundy reference is from "Coyote" on the album Hejira.
Bridget E Kelly- Kathy, that is impressive. I am going to listen to it the first chance I get.
Kathy Flatley Bandos- apparently osmosis worked better with me than you.
Jamie Downs- Don't know that album like the earlier ones. I'll have to fix that.
Bridget E Kelly- It came out in dec 1975
Bridget E Kelly- Typo error 1976
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