Thursday, September 3, 2020

New Countries

New Countries
We Need A New Rule
I Can't Remember All of Them

It's tough enough trying to stay current with technology as it changes every day.  But I am finding that it is also difficult to stay current with changing countries.  Sometimes I will be in a conversation with some one and a particular country pops up in the conversation and I will think to myself, "Why didn't I learn about this country when I was in school?"  And then it dawns on me that this country did not exist when I was in high school 50 years ago.

So we need a new rule:  when a country changes its name, it has to go by both names for 50 years so that we can all understand the conversation.

Here are a few that really throw me off when I get in a conversation with a history buff or a geography buff:

  • Burma
  • Yugoslavia
  • Czechsolovakia
  • Ceylon
  • Rhodesia
  • West Pakistan
  • East Pakistan
  • USSR
  • Zaire
  • Yugoslavia
  • British Hondorus

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