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My Pipes Didnt Make It
January 10, 2014
San Diego Airport
Heading home. I hope my pipes survived while I was gone.
Debbie Green You sure did pick a great week to find warm weather.
Chris Smith Check your voicemail. You were just fired by Chris Christie for closing down a bridge.
Hannah Ford I was worried that we hadn't heard from you - glad to hear you're in warmer climes, even if the pipes may have suffered. X
Larry Kelly The pipes, the pipes, are calling....
Jaye Pedante Let us know - we'll get your room ready
Bridget E Kelly @jaye. Thanks. My pipes didnt make it. I am without water and heat.
Michael Steen Ouch! That has got to be the worst. I can't help, not being a plumber, but my thoughts are with you.
Bridget E Kelly @mike, Yesterday I spoke with a man whose pipes burst also. He was surprisingly calm about the situation. He then told me that he had a house fire six years ago and lost every thing. Then he quickly but quietly mentioned that he lost his two children in the fire. My situation is just minor annoyances. But I'll take your thoughts. Thanks.
Debra Ward Metz God bless that man.. And you too.. Hope things start looking up as you move forward in 2014..
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