Saturday, March 16, 2019

Looking For Road Trip Ideas

Facebook Posting
Looking for Road Trip Ideas
On Facebook
November 20, 2014 at 11:37 AM ·

I'm planning a USA road trip. I want to go to Columbia University and meet the young woman carrying her mattress around campus in protest to her rape. Then I want to go to Westboro Baptist Church to talk to some of those church members, then on to Ferguson, Missouri and then to the Texas border where the young Mexican children are crossing the border. Then I want to go to LA to the section of the city where hundreds of homeless live. Then I want to go to Slab City which I think is in NV. Have I missed any other points of conflict in our country?

Comments from friends:

Bobbie Wickline-  Well, Bridget E Kelly, how many square miles are there in the U.S.? That pretty much sums up the situation, in my opinion. You would also need to visit my neck of the woods, where a neighbor told me a couple years back that I had bought into the liber…See More

Bobbie Wickline-  And I heard that Boner said that the president's plan to take executive action regarding immigration reform would totally mess up any chance of Congress getting on board. LOLOLOLOLOL

Tom Myers - I'm thinking you should make a video diary. I would be more than willing to help you produce this project should you choose to do so.

Chrisy Sorrenti - Sounds like a wonderful plan!
Slab city is in California- and I want so badly to take our kids there!

Bobbie Wickline - Oh,Tom Myers, this sounds like an absolutely incredible project!!!

Heather Organtini Laziuck - Adelanto California - home to one of the California's largest immigration detention center.

Katie Prible Cole-  You go girl!

Hannah Ford - Bridget, this sounds amazing. Please create a video diary to document this & get Robert Ford to help you with a website!

Bridget E Kelly-  it is my intent to make short vidoes of each place,

Kris Bakken Mooney - Points of conflict in our country... Wouldn't that be Washington D.C.???

Samuel M Klein - My god i'd love to be your staff photographer for that. Talk about a dream job!

Artie Conquest - You should take a religious with you

Stephanie Serfass - I wanna go!!! Do ya need a nurse????

Peter Kallinteris - Call me when you come to LA!!

Artie Conquest - See, we can build a B. Kelly detail...religious, nurse etc

Debra Ward Metz - God sure is using you for an instrument of His love..

Artie Conquest - I have said, she would look great in a clerical collar...

Lucinda Taber - Just be careful Bridget

Jackie Reviello- I spend 6-8 weeks of my summer in McAllen, TX and the Rio Grande Valley each year. You're more than welcome to join me this year!

Bridget E Kelly-  Jackie Reviello what do you do there?

Bridget E Kelly - I need a name for this project.

Lucinda Taber - Not a real good name but here goes What's happening Here? Project

Brian Caufield - Slab city, I think, is in CA outside San Diego.

Artie Conquest - The BK principal project

Jackie Reviello I'm do project management for school furniture installations. My whole summer is spent there. I've seen a lot and it's sad:(

Karen Carty - America's can feature the conflict as well as the individuals who fight everyday to make a difference

Jaye Pedante - You just described my ideal vacation!

Kevin Staudt - "The Roving Rabble Rouser"

Roger Prudden Detroit is always an interesting topic to cover, make it out here and I'll take you out to dinner!

Ginni Outlaw-Buongiovanni - Plight of America

Dennis Higgins - Let me know when you come to Columbia! I'll make it a point to head into the city!

Jamie Downs - Go Bridget

Jacki Budicker VanGorden - Congress. Don't forget Congress.

Brittany Fox-Williams - That sounds like a wonderful road trip! Please set aside time to have coffee or lunch with me if you visit Columbia/NYC. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Maureen O'Reilly Naylor - "It only takes one person to start a movement"

Pat Bonner-  Remember you need not go very far to find points of conflict. Points of positive conflict may be more inspiring. Being aware of negativity is easy. Seeing positive moves people forward

Judith Luther Wilder-  Fabulous trip! Every city sadly has thousands of homeless children. Sacramento is a city where runaways sleep under the freeways. When are you doing this?

Richardson Jean - just add little haiti to that list.

Alana Brown - callan and I are going to be roadies! love this idea bridget.....

Alana Brown - when do we leave

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