Saturday, March 16, 2019

Learning About Marijuana

Learning About Marijuana
Sixth Grade
On The Schoolyard
Our Lady of Lourdes Grade School
Philadelphia, PA

I had never heard of marijuana.  My next door neighbor, Susie Barton, told me all about it.  She was a 7th grader and she had older brothers who were smoking it.

"It's better than drinking and you don't get drunk", she reported to me. "It just makes you happy."

It sounded great and I thought I'd like to try this one day and that's when I decided that I would add this to my list of things I was going to do when I was 21, regardless of what my parents said:
  • I was going to leave the Catholic church.
  • I was going to a Bicentnenial Celebration (1976)
  • And now, I was going to try marijuana.

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